Sunday, April 30, 2017

More Graduation pix

Fun to go for donuts with the Grands again.  After church we went to the library pancake fundraiser.  At home Denny gave info to next bnb'er, Eva and looked into deck options.  I brought in some the new guinea plants that were out in the green house into the warm house. They really look cold.  We had  Hidden Acres camp supper at church.  We stopped at Jensens on the way home and had a great visit.  Thank you Lord, for our family.  May You continue to lead and guide us.   

Saturday, April 29, 2017


WE DID IT!!!!!!

Casual slow morning.  We were at  graduation site and saved seats for 10 5 rows back.  Two cute families behind.  One sister of nurse practitioner with 2 kids and the graduate's 4 children and her husband.  All 6 kids were under 6 years old.  I thought it was pretty brave of those 2 adults to take the kids and be there an hour early.   Kinda funny, I went to RR and when I was in the stall, I saw an index card.  I turned it over and it said Miranda Cook  Family Nurse Practitioner.  I left the RR to find her and as I was leaving she was coming in to get the card.  She knew where she had left it.   Matt, Becky, and kids and 3 Cooks joined us in the auditorium.  Nice ceremony.  A lot of scripture.  Good to hear.  Hurrah Mandy!!!   Oh, yes, and the 6 years old behind me did throw up.  Hurray for zip lock storage bags.  
We ate at Wheat Land.  Very good food.  Then John and Jan left for Minneapolis.  A grand daughter is due on Sunday and Erin will be induced if the little one does not make her appearance.  Matt and Becky headed for Savannah and Denny and I went to Trader Joes and Lowes.  Uffta!! The patio paving was more expensive than we anticipated.  May have to cancel that project.  Home about 6:30.  Chilled and cleaned basement.  Great day in  Omaha!!

Friday, April 28, 2017

Omaha with Mandy

Up early so we could get to Clarkson by 7:15.  Pretty much pouring down rain as we walked 3 blocks to find the right place.  Mandy gave her summary of her project about 10:20.  She did a great job.  I walked to her car in the rain.  Oh, yes, I do not do a great job of picking out clothes.  (I guess I still have the Texas mindset that I can wear warm weather clothes.  Uffta!! )  When I got there I got in the car, and must have hit the panic button.  Oh, yes, the alarm went off.  I tried to shut it off, Finally it quit.  I tried to start the car.  The key wouldn't turn to start the engine.  And the alarm went off again.  Repeat this process about 7 times.  Wrongly I texted Mandy to see if there was any special trick to starting her car.  Uffta.  I talked to Kathy and she and Rory came up to get me for a quick visit.  We went to their new home on 60th street  5421.  Saw Lydia, Allen, and Lawson. Kathy drove me back to where Mandy's meeting was ... 12:46.  Just when I told her I would be back :).  Planned to pick her up and give her a ride to the car.  Mix up of information.  We finally left the parking lot at 1:30 and headed to do some errands and returns for Mandy.  She dropped me off at the Apple store to see if they could fix my location devise on my phone.  Of course, it was working then  .... and so they did nothing.  Uffta!!  Still, it was so good to spend time with my daughter.  We did some more shopping and went back to the hotel.  Meal at Granite City.  Cooks and Denny met us there.   

Oh, yes, and Mandy's final project did place 3rd from about 40 in the class.  Sweet!!! She did not even know that they were rating the projects and announcing the top 3 to the whole group.  :)

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Fun Great day ... Omaha with Mandy "I HAVE A JOB!!!"

I headed to Joyce's near Storm Lake to get flowers in the am.  I stopped at Prairie Pedlar, too.  Mandy had a job interview in Storm Lake at 8:30.  She called to say it went well.  I watered my plants before she stopped and we headed to Omaha by way of the Junkery in Denison. 
kAfter she got to our place she told me that United Community Health Center called 35 minutes after her interview and told her they would like to employ her.  Her refrain during the rest of the day ... every 10 minutes or so was  ... " I HAVE A JOB!"  She had told Cooks in Cherokee before picking me up and stopped at the bank and told Denny, " I HAVE A JOB!".
 Then off to Omaha and thrifting.  We are missing doing it with Molly and Laura.  Of course, we got good stuff.  We also missed a couple of turns because I was not navigating well.  Mandy took it all in stride. We got to the hotel about 9.  Wonderful day!!!  Mandy would say the Best.  "I HAVE A JOB!"


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy birthday Missy!!!!

Dearest Missy,  Wishing you the best of birthdays.  You made us so happy on your arrival and you have continued to be a blessing to our lives.  May God always richly bless you.   I baked 2 coffee cakes and took them over to Missy for treats in the teacher's lounge.  And there were 6 baby kitties in the garage.  

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


It was scheduled to rain today, but there were not a lot of showers so I just worked??  outside most of the day.  I tilled and weeded between the asparagus and put down organic Preen.  Hopefully it will keep the weeds out.  About 9 I came in and put on clean clothes to go to Moville library for book contest that Evan qualified for ... but it still wasn't raining ... and I would get there late ... and the clothes I was wearing felt tight ... so I turned around at the highway and came home to till some more, plus cut floral netting, and put carpet down to keep in place.  Hopefully if it ever warms up the soil will be ready to plant.  Big accomplishment for the day was rescueing some white terry cloth rags from trash, washing them, bleaching them, sorting them and putting some in basement bnb and some in laundry room.  At 6:30 I went to IG and went to Farmer's market meeting.  Good to know I can't sell asparagus pickles ... so I won't waste my time perfecting them.  Lord, guide me with what to do with asparagus and flowers.  Next I headed to Storm Lake.  Laura needed a ride home from class.  It was good to visit with her.   At home Denny was already asleep after researching putting down patio pavers.  

Monday, April 24, 2017

Mom loved her "Kiddos"

What a legacy she has left me.  Thank you Jesus for my mom.  I sewed a eyelet bedskirt on the lavender star quilt from Mom this am.  Also put some center stitching down the soft purple blanket to make it easier to make the bed.  I picked up the loose tiles by the grill.  I wish I would have tilled, but ran out of time.  We grilled pork chops and asparagus for supper.  I tried to make some asparagus dill spears.  Not quite there yet.  Missy and kids came over for baths.  Wes and Justin came to stay at the bnb for this week.  He booked next week, too.  :)

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Pickle Ball

Full day!!  Left Atlantic at 7.  Home about 5:30.  Uffta!!! Lots of losing games.  But it was fun.  I played with John W. from Des Moines.  Played 4 matches and lost every one.  There was a wait before Women's doubles.  Gail and I played 4 matches and won one.   Then I played women's singles and lost 2 matches.  Doesn't that sound like a fun day????  If there was any question that I am a loser ...  The best part of the day was while Gail and I were waiting to play, Bruce had ice on his knee and he called Gail over to put the ice outside.  Well, Gail saw the exit door had a red light and she told Bruce she didn't want to do it.  So he hobbled over to put the ice outside the exit door ... AND the alarm went off... and kept ringing ... and kept ringing.  A good 5 plus minutes before the AD came and shut it off.  It was funny and annoying.  YES, that is the door in the background that kept buzzing and buzzing.  Denny got another reservation for bnb in June ... Emily.  He cleaned most of yesterday into the night.  As I was coming back from Omaha he headed out to ride the bike on Sauk Trail.  He went 25 miles.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


What a fun day ... actually the first 8am-1pm were gruesome.  Cold, overcast, wind chill , and most irritating of all was a spoiled, loud, obnoxious 4th grader right behind me on the bleachers!!!  I. am. so. thankful. for. my. grandkids. ... and their parents who would not put up with such bad behavior.  I moved away from the brat, and Matt and Becky came with their great children and the day turned out wonderful.  So fun to watch Haley.   3rd in 7th grade 1600,  6th in 7th grade 800. Cool to see Matt cheering his pretty teenager on.  (And Kane playing with  digger as Dad cheers for Haley).   I headed north at 2:40 and was in Winterset to meet Hendersons by 5:20 at Northside Cafe.  Nice meal.  Surprisingly, Gail and I ordered the same meal.  So good.  Baby Hope is a sweety.  So tiny and petite.  She was 1 on April 14th.  Gail rode with me back to Atlantic.  Nice night.  Called Denny.  Plan to book night in Omaha next Friday before Mandy's graduation.  Thank you, Jesus for Your blessings.  

Friday, April 21, 2017

St Joe

Up and saw kids leave for school.  Becky took Torren and Haley to the bus stop, Haley's bus was going to be 20 min late,so she took her to Savannah,   Matt took Kane.  I took a bath and nap and headed to St. Joe and walked around a couple stores, didn't buy anything.  I picked up Kane from preschool at 11:30. McD's, pllayground, and then home for naps.  Torren got home about 3:10.
Great pix of Becky and Frank. Actually it is not them,  but I think it sure looks like them, only I have never seen Becky wear chaps.  Even the dog looks like Sadie!!!
We went to get Haley after track practise.  The donut shop was closed.  During supper the family played a "I bet I can get you to laugh game."

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Haley track

I worked around home until after 10, then to IG, then drove to Maryville for Haley's trackmeet.  She ran anchor in 4x800, 1600, and open 800.  So fun to watch her.  Denny ate lunch with Karen and sleeping Rose.  I stopped by a green house where they had staggered boards on the walls.  Idea for bunk house

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Last regular Awana

    I Slept good last night.  When Denny headed to work, I headed out to mow.  I am leaving too watch Haley run in a track meet and will be gone a couple days.  I picked the first asparagus of the season.  And cut up rhubarb.  I sorted thru papers from last night's meeting, cleaned the floors, and went to get Anabel after school.  We got groceries then stopped to see Rose before heading to the 3 and 4th grade Awana party.  Nice bunch of girls,  They had a ball playing sardine hide and seek, and eating hot dogs, and making pyramids.  Dear Lord, may each of them trust You as their Savior.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


Great day.  I took Rose to Spencer at 8.  We stopped at the Dream C. Coffee house on the way home.  At home I took a nap before heading outside.  Beautiful afternoon.  I stopped at Goldsmiths around 5:30 to visit before I went to an extension garden meeting.  Missy and kids were there and beat me to baby Rose.   :)  At night Denny and I chilled before heading to bed.  

Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Birthday Evan!!!

Evan is repeat double digits!!!!    11!!!  Wonderful morning.  I headed to dentist and then to spend time with Rose Helen.  I headed to Arthur to take some Awana store items and visit with Denny over lunch.  Stopped at Jensens to deliver 2 library dvds.  Home for quick nap and kids came about 2.  We played near the stream, by the eagles nest and then made sugar donuts in the coop.  When Denny came home from work we went to Cherokee and he finished leveling dirt with the bobcat and we raked in grass seed.  Got stopped on way home for tail light out on trailer.  Denny showed him the package of new lights soon to replace light that was not working.  :)  New booker for bnb. Christina- 15 nights this summer.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

HE is Risen, INDEED!!!!

What a sweet morning.  We slept well in the camper.  Nice and quiet.  When I came in to fix biscuits and gravy I heard this sweet cooing baby.  It made me smile,  soooo precious.  Karen said today was the first day Rose had not woken them up with a cry.  She woke them up with a sweet voice.  She went to bed at 8, fed at 2:30, then up at 7 for the next meal.  She is a keeper.  I sat by Luke at church.  Helen slept in his lap.  What a great Easter!!!  Precious baby.  I remember going to Sunday night church with baby Luke, just so I could sit in the back and hold him and just love him and love the Lord and not have and other concerns than that special little boy in my arms.  (Even now as I look at that picture of Rose sleeping on Luke's lap, my heart fills up with love, joy peace, contentment.  There is nothing like a sleeping baby to bring out the very best things in life!!  Then add to that the baby is sleeping on her daddy's (your baby's ) lap.  Thank you, Jesus!)
Luke and Karen went to Dose's for lunch.  We fixed brats for Cooks and us.  So nice to sit and relax and visit and spend time together.  Two hour nap, then Denny planted his  potatoes while I planted some glads and sprinkled larkspur seeds among the bulbs,  We  put the bike rack on and headed to Wall Lake Sauk trail.  But before that Denny checked the air in the tires of his discarded Trek bike.  We switched seats and I am now riding his caste off bike that has the handle bars up a little so I don't have to ride with my nose to the pavement.  So happy to be able to look around a little and sit up a little straighter.  We biked past Breda ... about 22 miles.  It was dark when we finished.   Denny biked to my left the last 2 miles so I could use his headlight to see where we were riding.  I did okay on Denny's old Trek.  We kept each other company.  
Thank you, Jesus, for the amazing day!!!  

Friday, April 14, 2017

Heading to Cherokee ... not the mental place, tho' that might be needed

Fun day ahead.  I have some stuff to work on this am.  Wash bedding, make buns, Set up camper, plugs to soil blocks... 630, take 2 tires to get fixed,
I went over to Missy's after lunch and then to Mile 2.  

Storm Lake at noon

Happy dance ...  I broke off old stalks of plants and carried 3 full wheel barrels loads away.  I planted lisianthus.  Probably should not have, but I did.  Hopefully there are no deep freeze nights ahead.  I covered the plants with a light fabric that Phillip had.  I left for Storm Lake to pick up Laura. At 1:15 we headed to Ginny's for Bible Study.  About 3 I took her to MidSioux.  Back to Ginny's .  I took ripped screen to Malcoms and met Denny at Bomgaars.  New lawnmower batteries and Yucon Gold potatoes.  At home leftovers, Denny loaded bobcat,  and my plugs came, so I gave them water in CSA shed.  

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Storm Lake at night

Another wonderful day in the Midwest.  As I was reading I looked out the window and saw a big Tom turkey with his tail feathers spread out heading behind the bunk house.  I tried to get a picture, but I was too slow.  In a while he appeared on the other side of the bunkhouse by the swings.  The blurry picture doesn't do it justice.  As I thought about it later I realized quite often I see turkeys as I sit in on the sofa with that view.  In fact the news is full of turkeys.   After I started a load of clothes, I mowed the lawn. Denny had started the mower before he left for work, I just kept it running as I had my devotions, etc.  I wasn't going to chance it stopping.   I mowed a strip for some more flowers south of the asparagus rows.  In the afternoon I cleaned.   Felt good to get it done.  Even Denny was amazed at the job I did.  We had orange chicken for supper.  I left at 7 to go get Laura in Storm Lake.  Nice to visit with her and hear what she has been doing lately.  

The bird was above the blue chair and to the right of the 2 vertical black posts.  

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Happy Birthday Phillip!!

Another wonderful Happy Dance day!!!  Cute photo celebrating Haley having braces taken off.  I fixed 3 pans of cavatinni for Sat night and cut up cabbage for ramen noodle salad.  The heater ran last night in green house, but I shut it off this am.  Watered all the soil blocks that I put plugs in last Friday.  Probably too early, but I planted 17 dahlia bulbs along west side of flower garden.  The roto tiller started, so I tilled around flower beds.  The lawn mowers didn't start, so I put on jumper cables.  Still no go 3 hours later.  I realized we were out of gas and even if I did start the mowers it would be  a short run with no gas, so I took off the bikes and part of the rack and headed to IG.  Uffta!!!  $85  6 gas containers take a lot to fill.  I finished up labeling the bottles of Moorehead Red at Old Town.  They look so pretty when the maroon plastic tops on.  At home I grilled brats.  Denny and I watched some more segments of Naturally slim before going to boys' spring concert.  Cute program.  So thankful to share in Jensens' lives.