It was scheduled to rain today, but there were not a lot of showers so I just worked?? outside most of the day. I tilled and weeded between the asparagus and put down organic Preen. Hopefully it will keep the weeds out. About 9 I came in and put on clean clothes to go to Moville library for book contest that Evan qualified for ... but it still wasn't raining ... and I would get there late ... and the clothes I was wearing felt tight ... so I turned around at the highway and came home to till some more, plus cut floral netting, and put carpet down to keep in place. Hopefully if it ever warms up the soil will be ready to plant. Big accomplishment for the day was rescueing some white terry cloth rags from trash, washing them, bleaching them, sorting them and putting some in basement bnb and some in laundry room. At 6:30 I went to IG and went to Farmer's market meeting. Good to know I can't sell asparagus pickles ... so I won't waste my time perfecting them. Lord, guide me with what to do with asparagus and flowers. Next I headed to Storm Lake. Laura needed a ride home from class. It was good to visit with her. At home Denny was already asleep after researching putting down patio pavers.

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