Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Home school testing

Thanks uThere was a water problem in basement last night.  Denny vacuumed up part of the water last night, but we went back down and did some more cleaning/vacuuming this am.  The plan is to get a repair guy is during the day today.  Yes, Barry came out and fixed the pipes, and snaked the cause of the back up out.  Nice visit with Mandy on her way home from work, she is working on a cover letter for a job opportunity.   It looked great when she shared it with us tonight.   I got to IG Lutheran church about 8 am for home school testing. Two high school students signed up for testing.  I got a perm and haircut with Anna.  I was so relaxed and took lots of short naps as she worked on my hair.  It is really curly ...  REALLY curly.  At home we grilled pork chops, around 8:30 Ernie stopped up and visited with us for a while.  Nice to get to know him.

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