Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Can you dig it?

Up and started cinnamon rolls.  Then I went out and weeded again.  Brooks came out when he got up.  I finished weeding the whole rectangular flower bed and transplanting some sunflower seedling in spaces where the rabbits/cats uprooted the baby plants. We took D54 to Danbury then Oto, then to the dig site south of Anthon.  It was pretty interesting to see.   The area was marked off in one miter squares.  The diggers worked on going down one miter by one miter by one miter one slice at a time.   If their shovel hit something it was marked with a flag on a wire.  Then as the artifact was uncovered a measurement tool was used that gave the gps in longitude, latitude and elevation.   They liked the cinnamon rolls I brought.  At home we took naps.  Missy called and was interested in some help mowing.  She still feel pretty crummy.  Denny came home early thinking he needed a new phone because his wouldn't charge.  Some PB blaster helped make the connection.  We went over to mow after Denny got the new belt on the Dixon.  Denny had a transitional meeting at 7.  Nice visit with Deb, bnb.

Pictures of shower game ... Try to figure out what is in this diaper!!!!  smell, feel, taste.  Can you dig it?

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