Monday, June 26, 2017

Home then ball

Slept until 6.  I kept doing things all day, but nothing really noteworthy.  It was good to get a call from Mandy today.  Tonight is the 4th work night in a row, then only 2 more work nights before maternity leave.  A deer walked thru the CSA area while we visited.   I finished the sheets for her bassinet.  I added velcro to love seat sheets.  I helped Tim check out, then started washing the sheets.  We got a new booking for Friday.  I picked some asparagus and lilies.  I straightened the linen closet by Luke's room and washed a load of jars for the FM.  I probably won't go to St.  Joe.   When Denny came home we started bending cattle panels for flower garden.  At 6:45 we headed to Odebolt.  TWO games 10 feet apart, so we could watch both of them.  At home we finished bending 4 cattle panels and put them over the flower beds.


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