Friday, June 2, 2017

With Grands

Beautiful morning.  I got way to early, had devotions and went back to bed.  At 7:45 Missy dropped off the Grands.  Evan and I ordered pizza for lunch on line.  We went to the fishing workshop put on by extension at Moorehead park.  There were about 60 kids learning about fishing.  I thought it was very well done.  We stayed until noon.  After getting the pizza we went to 2 garage sales in IG before heading to Holstein.  Mandy met us at the park.  We ate and then she and I reviewed information for her upcoming state boards for Nurse Practitioner until 4:30.  It was a lovely afternoon.  We both struggled with staying awake and comfortable.  We changed positions, walked around, lay on our backs on a picnic table, stood and stretched and swung our legs.  She feel better equipped for the test because we reviewed info she wasn't sure of.  It seemed to me that she knew it pretty well.  Nice afternoon.  Missy came about 2 and got the kids.  Denny worked on lighting for the motorcycle trailer when we got home.  Lord, help him get it fixed.

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