Monday, June 12, 2017

Monday June 12

 Beautiful morning.  Thank you, Jesus for the wonderful weekend.  I love our family and I love this place we live that accommodates everyone so easily.  I spent the morning just slowly working on getting things kinda restored.  And I spent quite a bit of time trying to get ahead of the weeds that have taken over my garden.  About 12 I went and picked snow peas at the high tunnel then I headed to Carroll to pick up Brooks.  Brooks was in Ames for a couple of days, but Great g'ma Bette has fallen and so G'ma Laurie is going to be with her in the hospital.  We went to one thrift store where Brooks got some soccer shin guards.  At home we made a pan of brownies.  Denny got supply for bnb.  Deb and Connie took chairs down by the road, drew, and enjoyed the view.  Denny weeded, I weeded, Brooks played as a sweet 7 year old does.

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