Thursday, June 1, 2017

First farmer's market

Delmar and his mom, Kathy,  got in about midnight for airbnb.    I visited with them before they headed to  Carroll to get Cooper.  I worked on setting up the drip hoses again and picked flowers for the FM and made 6 quart jar arrangements. Nice text from Mandy about G'pa Newhouse.  I bagged brownies, pb bars and cream cheese coffee cake.   At 1:30 TP, PG, MKR, RT, JP, GA, and I were here for B S.  We started a new David Jerimiah study about ... Is this the end times?  They left and I visited a little with bnb'ers before heading to FM.  All 6 bouquets, 3 spinach, 4 asparagus, 1 celantro, and about 10 bars were sold.  I am satisfied with it.  I visited with quite a few people.  At home Denny was washing the pickup, Missy was washing her van.  She wrote an email about possible vinyl bnb door sign.  Denny washed the Pruis, I dried it off and then went to bed.

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