Monday, June 12, 2017

Such a full life, I forgot to post on Saturday!!

What can I write?  It was such an amazing full day.  Cooks were in charge of breakfast.  Burritos.  We had a pink/blue baby shower at 9:30.  Jan came down and joined the women of our family.  Very windy outside, but it was a pretty day and we had so much fun with games and prizes (that we could actually keep and not have to give to the mom to be:)  And it was windy!   We moved the table when we saw a loose branch over our heads. Jensen's got a call that their van was ready in Kiron, so instead of giving Phillip a ride, Luke ran down 8 miles to drive the van home.  The rest of the guys moved Sich's hot tub to the grain bin cement pad and plugged holes and filled it with water.   (Kane said the hot tub was his favorite thing of the weekend.)   The kids set up the slip and slide.  Lunch by Mo. Johnsons (along with playing with Rose).  One of the best parts of the weekend was nap time (for everyone) for at least an hour.  Then more kickball, soccer, playing with Rose.  Minn Johnsons made tacos for supper.  Pete, Carol, Phil and Julie joined us.  Great food and conversation.


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