Saturday, June 24, 2017


Unbelieveable I slept until 7:36.  Fun full day!!   As I sat and enjoyed the sister 4 way phone call this am, I noticed 2 visitors romping around on our deck.  I probably should have fed them when I was over at the Jensens taking care of the pups the last 2 days.  The mamma cat probably knew that I usually put out food, so she brought 2 of the 6 here.  Cute to watch, but there is not a high livability rate at this farm place for kitties.   I went out to pick flowers for Faith's party.  Anabel came over on her bike to clean out the hot tub. Now that was a job.  The boys brought over sandwich meat and we ate, cleaned up and went into the parade to hand out water bottles.  Bergmans got a new to them army hummer to  pull the water wagon.  The kids and I visited the creation bus.  It was really good, but we had to wait a long time and my handset skipped.  Denny went to more paint for Jensens who were painting the corn crib.  When we got home, Mary Kay picked up Anabel and me and we went to Prairie Peddlar.  Anabel said Mary Kay and I just got flowers, flowers, flowers.  The doings over there was really nice.  Anabel played on the jumping games, basketball shooting games with Sophi J.  At home Jensens were still painting.  I finished the bouquets for tomorrow and Denny started the grill.  About 8 we had pork burgers, potatoes, potato peelings, corn casserole, lettuce salad, and ice cream with crushed candy.  

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