Friday, June 23, 2017

Many things kept me going

Up too early.  Started to read a book, but thought I would be too convicted of my blessed life.  I am so thankful for all God has given me.  I washed towels from CSA barn, I mowed the lawn, I took trash out of CSA barn.  I sat and pondered what to do next.  Oh, I just now remembered I left 2 plants soaking in some miracle grow.  I also forgot to walk R&B the second time yesterday.  So I went over and did that. About 1:30 I headed into IG.  At Cenex they were celebrating an anniversary and the gal pumped my gas ...  Plus the 5 5-gallon gas tanks.  Crossed the street and got some sale items.  Next to Bomgaars, the Dollar General, Selections had the bnb map ready, then to Foodpride Finally to Old Town to put some label on some bottles.  At 5 I headed home.  Denny decided not to bike down too Arcadia where a baseball game started at 7.  It was fun watching Evan play.  Home and I got my best nights sleep in 10 years.  10 pm until 7:36 with only one trip at 3:07 and then back to sleep.  PTL  Wonder how I can do it again????
Centerpiece if from Kendra's baptism, I used it with lily runner and lilies from garden for Bible Study.  It is so pretty.  

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