Thursday, June 29, 2017

FM and study

SI started buns at 5 and made 2 batches this am.  Only 1 of 4 packages sold.  But all my 11 flowers bunches sold.  I should have taken a picture.  There were 8 with a red white and blue theme. There were 3 with dark sunflower and foliage. 2 of 4 asparagus sold, 2 of 8 pestos sold, and a bunch of bars.  Before Bible study I got the upstairs cleaned.  8 gals were here for Bible Study.  Teresa, Darlene, Pat, Sharon, Ginny, Jenn, Mary Kay and myself.   Nice bunch.  Farmer's Market quit about 5:45 because storms were forcasted.   Denny had transition meeting at 7.  I just chilled and did nothing all night.

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