Monday, March 15, 2010

Mon March 15 2100

3/15/10 Man, looking at the picture of the basket of cukes just made me hungry for garden fresh. That egg basket would be worth a fortune today in the cold of March ... the basket was so full ... plus, being organic and all that ... so GREEN you can eat them right off the vine. And so Evan did. This a.m. I was at the unit early to drop feed in B&G and sweep/scrape. Home at 7 to visit with Denny. Coffee at folks. Work at unit til 11. Substitute at HS English in the afternoon. Back to unit. Supper with Denny before going to Bible study at Danielle's with Elizabeth, Emily, Stacy, Steph. The sound of running water is pleasant, but not when it is running through your basement. Next line of defense ... Denny got caulking ... and duct tape ... and a garden hose. LOL Denny has been laughing out loud at ME. Denny said it is sump pump ... not sunk pump. I stand corrected. Did you know the difference? I thought the pump was sunk in the ground, hence the name. Now I know different. ISN'T THAT SUMP THING!!!

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