Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thurs March 7

3/7/10 Up bearly ... I mean early ...Maybe it is barely ... or growly like a bear when I wake up early. Anyway, I was at the school to ride the pep bus to Des Moines at 8 am. I sat with Emily; Laura and Lynn wer in the seatright in front of us. We lost vs Manson Northwest Webster. Home about 4 pm. Both Denny and I were so tired we went pretty much right to bed. We did do a test run on the sunk pump. With all the snow piled around the house, there is a good possibiliity that water may show up in the basement. OUCH!! Denny had taken his car washing garden hose down the the basement to thaw out. We used it to fill the sunk pump hole with water to see if the pump would start automatically. We found out 2 things ... The sunk pump works ... The garden hose has a big hole in it.

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