Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tues March 23 2395

53/23/10 Coffee at folks. Yesterday Anabel gave me some cuttings from her huge dephenbachia plant. Hope I can get them to root and grow. Today was spent at the unit from 8 - 5:30. It took me ages to get the card filled out right. Hopefully I counted right. Jon came and helped finish giving shots. At home I started the fire in the coop, then fixed eggs, little smokey sausages. and cheddar cheese omelet. When Denny came home we took the fry pan and 2 forks out to the coop and visited and ate. Then out to work. He pulled broken branches from the yard to the cement by the garden. I raked dead plant stems from the flower beds. He got out the lawn mover and sped across the lawn, evening out the grass and weeds and chopping up the sticks that he didn't get picked up. It was great. We got so much done. Got to love day light savings time. Then inside to talk to Matt about his stay in the Rio Grand Valley. (Hope he catching up on some sleep.) The basement in pretty dry and so we hope to get the bedrooms put back into shape before guests come this Friday night.

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