3/13/10 Left at 7:30 from church to head to Orange City for Awana Games. About 20 adults and 30 kids. I rode with Mike P. Great day. Sparks got first place and T&T girls tied for first place. It was amazing like most years we were disqualified in abouot 3 events. Our lucky deal was that in 2 games both of the other teams were disqualified and we were the only team to get points. Lunch at Pizza Ranch. 15 large pizzas, pop and home made bars. When we got home we just vegged out and watched a DVD - Amelia. Well, The battle has begun. We can no longer sit smugly and think the sunk pump is doing the job. There is water seeping into the south floor of the basement. YUCK! Moved the mattresses and all furniture out of the 2 south bedrooms. Rolled up rugs. Hoping that humidifier and fans will stop the water coming in thru the floor. Well, It is good to know this will be our battle ground for the next 3 months. We had such great hopes ... and there is still so much snow in our yard and fields around us. Here's to the new carpet in the basement. Maybe we should just have planned for water beds down there.
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