Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Mon March 8

3/8/10 I left St. Jo about 7:45 am and got to the unit about 11:15. No potty stops. I was in need by the time I got there. I processed litters til 5 pm ... still lots of little pigs to take care of. For supper Denny and I had left overs from Chili's. Anabel loved the chips and salsa so it was good there was some left for me to take home. When some salsa was too hot on her lips she would rub a napkin on her mouth. It was cute. We were surprised she liked it as much as she did. I went to Bible study at Emily's. Lynn S. Elizabeth, Steph, Danielle, and me. Denny and put clean sheets on the beds in the basement. He had washed them and he also went to visit his mom while I was in IG. Howard was happily at a meeting about a beef cattle book ... 75 years of Angus Beef in Iowa. Guess he didn't get home til 11. I skimmed thru the book. You'll have to ask him about it. Pretty neat.

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