3/14/10 Day light savings time begins. I remembered about 11 last night. Didn't change the clocks ... but was awake early. (I was hearing the sunk pump kick in.) SS and church. We had Reese &Rose J. and Larry & Joann D over for spaghetti , salad, Parmesan bread and chocolate birthday cake from the freezer. I put cukes in the salad. It made me hungry for fresh - from - the - garden cukes. Some one else likes cukes from the garden. 'Cute that she snitched from the egg basket. After they left ... chill time and get started on laundry. Church prayer time at 6. Denny now has the shop vacumn down stairs as part of his arsenal against the water. He's thinking perhaps a bead of chalk would help channel the water to the sunk pump and not thru the bedroom door.
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