Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mon March 29

3/29/10 I subbed for K Fineran at HS today. She showed 3 personal finance classes a video about car buying. It was informative. Not quite the same perspective as Dave Ramsey. I tried to get in my 2 cents 1) about new cars loosing 10% of their value when you drove them off the lot and how much do you want to pay for the new car smell. 2) about interest rate and paying cash for used cars 3) about leasing cars is like letting $10 cash fly out the window every time you drive it. GO RAMSEY!! Thankfully, the Toyota sales person said the headlight leveling $300 piece (that was sending off a warning light ) would be covered by the dealer. I kind of kept a low profile in the afternoon and watched 3 library DVD's. Mark came over for an update about 5 pm.

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