Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mon March 22

3/22/10 Vet and Sow owners met at unit at 7 am. Denny joined us. Rest of the day was spent getting ready to wean pigs. I did stop for coffee at folks about 11 am. Jon came to help give shots about 3:15. I fixed grilled chicken salad for Denny and shrimp salad for me for supper. Denny had a hair cut in IG at 5;30. I had Bible study at Danielle's at 6:30. We ate supper at Cobb Park about 6 pm before I went to meet Stacy, Steph and Danielle. At home we visited in the sun room before heading to bed. Matt took Haley and Torren to the zoo in Brownsville today. The picture is of Matt and Missy fishing in Brownsville with Grandpa Newhouse and Jack Lamey.

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