Friday, March 12, 2010

Thur March 11

3/11/10 Plans change. At 6:50 I got a call to sub in art at the high school. I hadn't been to the unit. I went up to the unit and quickly fed, back home to take a short shower. To school by 8:07. UFFTA There goes my visit with T&S. :( It was a good day at school. It's amazing what I will do for a buck. After school I worked at the unit til 6:45. I came home and Denny was sleeping watching ET. Card board box frozen pizza. It works. Wish I would have had garden fresh tomatoes like those two on my front step. We used a partial pig check to pay bills for JPI. First income from the unit in 3 months. Got to be thankful for what we have.

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