Friday, March 19, 2010

Thur March 18

3/18/10 We cleaned before Denny headed to IG for Ag loan meeting at 7:30. I stopped at the folks then went to the unit. I tried to fix 2 ruptures, one has lived so far. At 12:30 I went to IG. My car's rear view mirror at fallen off from the windshield. Plus the emission control light was on. Not a big deal in Iowa (probably caused by a piece of gravel road getting stuck in the valve) but I couldn't sell it that way in California. Don't ask me why I had it fixed . It was such nice weather outside that before I headed to IG, I just walked around in the yard, looking at my plants that are struggling to break through the ground, and picking a few more pussy willows. I had a Rose of Sharon bush that I cut off at ground level. Part of the bush was dead, so hopefully it will be revived with the radical pruning. After Bible study at Susan's, Denny and I headed to Algona with the pick up and the motorcycle in the trailer behind us. It was scheduled to have a overhaul before the riding year begins. Nice traveling together. I got 10 pink glasses at Bops ... 50 cents each. Not all we purchase is that cheap. Don't you just love this picture? What a nice boy.

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