Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wed. June 30

Unit at 5:30. Then home to see banker off to work, Then folks for coffee, Then get Jordan again. HURRAH! Another 350 pigs processed. So thankful for her help. The Prius was scheduled for an oil change in Carroll at 2. I asked Jordan if she wanted to ride along. She did. We went. Shopped. Bought day lily plant at Earl May. Groceries at Wal-Mart. Home by 5. Mow the lawn. (It was much more fun last week when I had a hitch hiker. As you can see, the grass clipping were flying every where, but Torren didn't seem to mind. As you can also see, the vehicle stopped for mulberry tastings.) Denny arrived home by 6:15. Quick bite to eat. Church video at 7. Went to see Brian and Jenny's new home which was put up in one day. AWESOME! Two story. Unbelievable.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29, 2010 6720

Hurrah!! I AM CAUGHT UP!! BEEN TRYING TO REMEMBER WHAT HAS GONE ON SINCE 10 DAYS AGO. It's tough so maybe I lied a little. Sorry, bad brain. This am, Curt, Rick, Brian and Jim were at the unit. I fed early and headed to SC to get the sprayer that has been repaired and is ready to be picked up. I also weighed in and went to a couple of Goodwills. There has been a wren that is nesting in this little house. I love to hear it's song. It's great to sit out and listen to the birds. Some of our animals I love. Some ... not so much. Haley and Torren were impressed with Dandy, my deer. He came and walked by us when we were roasting hot dogs. He just came right up where we were and stood and watched us. The next morning he walked close to the deck while I was having devotions. Now the NOT SO MUCH GROUP goes to the ground hogs that are burrowing under the buildings in the back yard. Denny has a plan ... fox urine ... I don't know how they collect it, but he ordered some on line tonight. Will keep you posted on that ground hog evacuation. I'm crossing my fingers.

Monday June 28

Unit early. Coffee at folks before more unit work. Hurrah!! I called Jordan B. and she was willing to help catch pigs while I process them. I picked her up about 10 and we worked until about 2:45. She just stepped right in and did her best. She's about the same size as Michael W. (Sarah's son) and it was pretty tiring for her. We stopped after 2 hours and took a break. I asked if she had any questions and she said, "Yeah, when is it nap time?" At the end of the day we were sitting in the break room. I told her I would shower on the guy's side so she would have another 5-10 minutes to shower. She said, "Good, it may take me that long just to get out of the chair." I took a quick shower, took her home, and headed to Wall Lake to get my hair cut. Denny is my super man because he fixed heat lamps for me last night. I have never put the new plugs in and he did about 10 heat lamps and made my day. Look at that 6 pack. He's my guy! Denny is missing the red cape and yellow belt, because Torren liked to use them. No wonder now Torren likes garage sales. A $1 deal. If any one needs to borrow it and be a superman ... just let me know. Steph was the only one who came to Bible study, so we talked and prayed.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday June 27

Once again to the unit early. I took the Grands to get donuts before S.S. and 8:45 prayer time. Matt visited with the folks and then came and got the kids about 10 for the drive back to St Joseph. It was great to have them here!! Any time we'll take family. We loved it. Nap after church. When we were about ready to head to prayer time Mark called. We heard about his day. We watched the DVD before going to bed.

Saturday June 26

I went to the unit about 5:30 so I could get all the work done before the Royal race. The kids race started at 8. The starter Doug. C. warned the kids about the loud gun ... Do you think they will have this same starting form when they are track meet age? SO CUTE!! After the kids race Matt was in the 10K race. We just killed time on main street and walking down the railroad tracks. The parade was after the awards ceremony. We sat across from the old Courier office then when AEF went past us we joined them in handing out water all the way to Zobel addition. Torren was tuckered, so he and Matt rode in Reese's truck bed and watched the people watching the parade. We ate at Presby. church then went to the city park where there were not good blown up air games - too hard for the little ones, and too long of a wait to participate. We didn't even use up our free tickets from the race packet. We did use up the free ice cream tickets. Matt even took 2 dishes of ice cream home to Anabel and Howard. I took a nap and then went to the unit to work. Kids were in bed when I got home. Denny grilled pork loin for us. YUM! Nice to sit on the deck and visit.

Friday June 25 2010

Up to the unit early. Denny dropped off the Grands. I got a count on all the little pigs that have been born for Mark's inventory. Kids and I worked until about 11:00. Then home to get 5 vases of lilies ready for the Pizza Hut. Instead of meeting in Arthur for lunch we met at Bomgaars. Denny picked out trees, I think 13. We had thought we would go to a park to eat, but time got away fromus and we just had a sandwich in the bomgaars lot on some display lawn furniture. Denny wwent back to Arthur. We went to the city park, the library, the elementary school playground, and Cobb Park. Brittainy was having a 14 birthday party at Cobb Park from 2-4. We went home about 2:30 for Torren's nap. I was pretty shot so I took a nap. Haley organized the dress up trunk in the basement. I started to mow the lawn. About 5, I got Torren up and he rode with me on the mower. Matt got here about 6:15, Denny got off work about 6:30. I went back up to the unit to work.

Thursday June 24

Up to the unit about 5:30. I worked until Denny brought the Grands up about 7:30. Then I had help putting powder on the baby pigs and playing in the feed and watching a video The Land Before Time. Aren't they just too cute? It was really easy having them with me at the unit. Haley loved to help. She watched while I counted pigs and processed little ones. Torren is just a joy to have around. He's watch a video in break room and then come find me when in was over. When we came home, I got flowers for the hospital from the yard. They have places for 16 vases. I picked yellow and orange Asiatic Lilies. Then we made and took a lunch to Arthur city park. After lunch we delivered flowers and went to Susan G's for Bible study. The kids both laid down in her room and slept while we ladies had study. After 4 we went to the outdoor pool and just took a quick swim in the baby pool. Tasha, Abbie and Isaiah were there. We came home to fix marshmallows in the fire pit. Then off to bed they went. Denny and I enjoyed the deck/yard after dark.

Wed June 23

Up to the unit by 5:30. Curt R was there about 6:45 checking the gals. I was glad I had been up there processing early. Denny was going to bring the kids to the unit before he went to work. I was coming home just then. So we all just went to the folks to visit for a while before he headed to work. The kids love great grandma's kittens. One is black with white feet. Grandma has a book copyrighted 1949 about Boots (a black cat with white feet.) Haley's favorite is a gold colored brave kitty. Kids and I went home for a while, then to the unit. They kept busy sprinkling "Powder" on the baby pigs. We took lunch to Arthur to eat with Denny. They walked there and back with him. I filled the car with gas. Then the Grands and I went to IG. We were at the Rec Center pool for a quick dip before gong home for Torren's nap. At night we made a camp fire.

Tuesday June 22

I went to the unit by 5:30. At 7:30 we headed to pick up Amelia. I had a oral surgeon appointment in Storm Lake at 8:30. Amelia watched the kids while I was in the chair. Then to Bomogaars to get some hog stuff and Nelson's to get some hog stuff. We went to Goodwill and as I was getting Torren out of his seat, he said "I don't like Goodwill." (Too bad we're going to look around anyway.) At Goodwill we found a football helmet for him to get and leave at the farm. HE NOW LIKES GOODWILL!! At a garage sale we got a Superman outfit. HE NOW LIKES GARAGE SALES. Gotta have those positive experiences. We stopped at Arthur for lunch. We took Denny to the ARFFER park where we played on the digger and slides. Then home for naps. Haley and I rested in bedroom. At 5:30 Jim and Brian H. came to visit. We discussed the hog unit. Kids played well by themselves for quite a while. Then we put in a DVD in our bedroom. It was a praise.

Monday June 21

I was at the unit by 5:30. Home for coffee and to visit with Gail and Denny. They left about 7:30. I left soon after that. I drove to Council Bluffs to meet Becky and the kids. First I shopped at Hy-vee, then to the Goodwill. They got there soon after I did. Great to have the kids wit us for the next 6 days. I got food for lunch at Hyvee so we stopped and ate with the folks. Denny had a bank meeting in Sac City over the noon hour and wasn't available for lunch. As we walked into the house I spy ed a tiger kitten. I tried to pick it up ... I did pick it up ...It bit my finger ...I tried to let it down ... It bit my finger 3 more times ... OUCH! Inside Grandma listened and the kids told her about it. Torren has great facial expressions and sound effects of guns and explosions. He kept us quite informed as he talked to us about all kinds of stuff. Soon afterwards, as Grandma prayed before the meal, I heard muffled sounds coming from Grandpa's direction. I wondered ... Perhaps they had gotten bad news, Was Grandpa crying? What might have happened? It would seem so out of character for have him crying. It must be very bad news. After the Amen, I looked at Howard. His eyes were watering and his belly was shaking from holding in the laughter at Torren and his demonstrative tales. He said something about sound effects and laughed right out loud, relieved not to have to hold it in any more. SO FUNNY! In the afternoon Torren took a nap. Haley and I rested in my bedroom. Then she helped me get ready for the garden party. She cut flowers and helped set out dishes. Six gals came at 6:30. Nice evening. Denny went to the Sac Co. Cattle men's barbecue.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sunday 20. 2010

I went to the unit before picking some flowers for church. I gave vases of flowers to Mary G. (whose birthday is tomorrow) and Luann N.'s family (who is home from Turkey). After church we had Howard and Anabel over to eat. Denny grilled Omaha pork chops that they had given us for a gift. I took a nap after they left. Denny headed to the folks to fix a belt on their mower for a Father's Day present. Pretty special father and son duo. Denny went to prayer time and church, I waited for Gail to come and spend the night. She had been in a Tanzania missions meeting in Storm Lake from 3-7 in the afternoon. It was nice to sit on the deck and visit. Just as nice as sitting on the deck at 4 Seasons.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Saturday June 19

Denny worked at the Odebolt bank. He took the motorcycle from Arthur leaving the trailer there. I worked around the yard. The plan was to meet in IG about 3. He helped the church hand out water bottles at the Odebolt Creek Days parade. At 3, five motorcycles headed to HuHots for supper. I love their food. The plan was to meet and eat about 4:30 - nursing home hours according to Luke. Then we went to Awesome biker nights. That's quite a pricey deal. $20 a person to walk a crowded street filled with people looking at motorcycles and the people that are around motorcycles -with tatoos - drinking - piercings - and too few clothes. We left for home before sundown. I am sure that things really start hopping later. Couldn't find an ice cream place open after 8. That was our speed. Rain threatened our ride, but we arrived dry. I stopped to get groceries and to check the mommas at the unit before going home.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday June 18

Up early to feed sows, Then in to IG. Met at the HS. Picked up pictures at Knops. Missy headed to Des Moines for a home school conference today. At the unit I finished spraying out the rooms. Denny brought pizza for lunch. We moved sows into 2 rooms. One was a rodeo queen. I think she jumped over the crates 10 times. Plus once she jumped over the 2 high blue bars. Amazing! I did stop and visit the folks and take them their pictures. Anabel called the hospital and her white blood cell count was 38,000. After work I gave the lawn another mowing. We ate leftover pizza out on the deck and I started to paint the coop door. Started to watch a good (4.45) DVD The Express.

Thur June 17

Denny came up and helped count and get pigs out of the crates. Then It was Mark and me and lots of work the rest of the day. Denny brought meals from Aunt B.'s for lunch. He took some to Howard and Anabel, too. At 4 I went into IG to get my teeth xray. I did a couple other jobs. too. I came home and the lawn still needed mowing. I took a quick 10 minute nap, then outside to mow. It started to rain, Then hail, The downpour. Denny laughed at me out side. About 8 Curt and Carol come for a visit. Nice talk. I was shot. LOng day.

Wed. June 16

Such a nice picture of the cousins and Aunt Mandy. I wonder who didn't have deodorant on. You wouldn't think I would need a wide angle lens for 5 people. SO CUTE!! I was at the unit early. Then came home and made phone calls. BV and Kim S. Amy came to the unit to help. She and I fixed heat lamps. When it came to giving shots, she didn't feel so good. Mark took her home about 2 and came back and helped me finsih giving shot to the pigs that are going out tomorrow. After work about 5:30 Jim and Brian H. came to visit.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tues June 15

I went for coffee at the folks this am. Took egg dish, little smokies, and cinnamon rolls for their lunch. After working at the unit I took flowers to the widows luncheon. I gave Stangls a ride. There were leftovers so I brought some grilled burgers, fruit salad, potato salad, beans, and desert to the folks. Fed the second time and recorded all the info on farrowing and weaning. I got a call from Mr. Miller. Then Denny came home and we took the Harley in to IG. First the meeting then we went to Denison El Jimadors for supper. After we got home we watched the netflicks (3.9) Bottle Shock. I guess Denny fell asleep during the middle of it. The lawn really needs mowing.
Doesn't a smiling baby make your day?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday June 14

Last week Kim came over and I showed off my blooming wisteria. The vine on the eagle's nest had 2 blooms last year and there was 4 this year. Evan picked one while he was gong up the ladder. I told him thanks and that we wouldn't pick any others. We are holding a picture of a massive wisteria plant near a home. That would be happening over the eagle's nest ... in my dreams.
Up to the unit early. The vet and owner came to the unit this am. quite a lengthy talk. I starting soaking room 5 and sprayed it out at 3. Denny disinfected it tonight. At noon I took soup over to Howard and Anabel. The 2 gold little kittys are out by the feed pan. Hope they stick around for next week when Halely and Torren are here. Steph and Stacy came for Bible study.

Sunday June 13, 2010 6095

Hurray! I am almost caught up with my blog. We left Denver about 9 am after a great continental breakfast at the hotel. Just rode and rode and rode to Avoca. Thanks kids for sharing your fair city with us!! We loved seeing you and where you live and your friends. It was a great visit. May God continue to watch over you and keep you safe. Back in Avoca, the check engine light was still on. I put air in the tire and headed north. I got home about 8. YEAH!! Denny was washing his motorcycle. Good to sit and visit on our deck tonight. It worked out so great to travel once again with Gail and Bruce. Love, Ya!

Saturday June 12

The rain cancelled the work out at Red Rocks that Mandy had planned to go to. Instead she just kinda slept in. We shopped at Target and got a big pot to transplant her tipping plant into. Then we headed to Morgan and Rich T's home. They have 4 cute kids. I brought bubbles and strawberries as treats. Kids loved them. They live in a very cute old house that they have done most of the work on. Mandy fixed another great lunch. YUM! Oh, ya and we had eggs and salsa for breakfast. The Hendersons were watching the soccer game on a big screen TV downtown. We drove past the garden and I told Mandy I wouldn't mind seeing it. Mandy drove to get Gail and we 2 went through the garden while Mandy ran. Back at Mandy's, Gail and I repotted the plant and watched Mandy get ready. So many choices and she looked good in all of them. We ate at an Argentina Pizza place downtown and headed to the Rockies baseball game. The stadium is downtown, just a short walk from where we ate. Feeling a little ornery that day I packed the extra bubble blower and took it to the game. ABout 7th inning I blew bubbles and everyone around laughed and smiled. The little kids within 4 rows turned and looked. THEN CAME THE BUBBLE TROUBLE. The gal watching our exit came and spoke to us. She said whe didn't know if it was allowed. She would check, she wasn't too bothered by it. All the time we were hoping for some "bubble plays" on defense or at least a single, bubble, or a triple when the Rockies were up to bat. One bubble did make it to the outfield before it popped. We were in section 206 up on the second level so that was quite an accomplishment. Then the NAZI BUBBLE patrol from the next exit came with his book. NO BUBBLES allowed was written in fine print. Kids around us were sooo sad and crying. (OH, was that Mandy and BRAD?) One family had to leave early and so I gave the little 5 year old the bubbles on her way out the exit. Happy ending. I guess you could say we kinda got busted. After the game, Gail and Bruce rode the train back to their motel. M,B,M, and I met Mandy's room mate down town for a while before taking the train back to the hotel. I was spending the night in Gail and Bruce's room. Mandy had a full am schedual, no time realy to take me to meet them. It worked outgreat.

Friday June 11, 2010

I got up about 7:30 IA time and worked on updating my blog. Wasn't aware how time flew so I scurried to get ready for departure time. We headed to Diane and Jays. After that visit we went hiking with BG&B at Mount Falcon. Nice weather and path. Mandy was hoping for a workout at Red Rocks ampitheater., but we got there too late. They had closed it for a concert tonight. It was fun to go shopping with Mandy. For once in my life I was not the one hanging up the clothes that had been tried on. Quite a treat. I got 1 top and some black capris. Plus 2 sport shorts. Great supper of grilled chicken and shrimp and super salad. About 9 we headed to the ICU Neuro unit where Mandy works at University of Colorado Hospital. I got to meet many of the night shift people that she works with. Really a good bunch of people. From there we went to a going away party for a friend of hers. Big news there was that I won the game of Apples to apples. Mandy's bed is really soft. Both nights when I lay down it, I don't think I moved at all the whole night. Slept wonderful.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thurs June 10

Off to Colorado! I met Gail and Bruce in Avoca at 7:30. We left the car at Gail's friend Judy with some flowers and cinnamon rolls. Of course, nothing is every smooth and easy. The tire on my Malibu was low so I had to fill it up at the farm before heading south. Then the check engine light came on as I drove to meet them. I just crossed my fingers and and hoped it would be drivable home by Sunday. We drove pretty well straight thru. Got to Mandy's house about 4. Quick tour, then Hendersons to Carmin and headed to see Brad. Mandy had akick ball game about 7. After the game we hung out at the park. Quite the ball team! When we got home we just watched a movie with the housemates. Nice day!!

Wed June 9

We were thinking of taking the kids to a beach this weekend, but a rain shower was all they needed. What fun they had running through and jumping in the mud puddles!

I was up at the unit before 5. Then home to cut flowers for the bouquet. I put the flowers in the refrig in the garage to "harden off" several hours before I put them in an arrangement. I called 2 home school parents from SC and picked up 3 big boxes for Kim W. Howard and Anabel met me in IG and I rode with them to SC for Anabel's chemo. Kim met me at the Nylen Center and got her 3 boxes. Anabel has a 4 appointments when she goes for her treatment. We got there for her 10:30 appointment. We wait in the lobby. They call her name, she and I go in and she has blood drawn. Back out to the lobby and wait. They call her name. She and I go and she has vitals taken by a nurse. Back out to the lobby to wait. Next is the call for the doctor consultation. Howard, Anabel and I go and meet with the Doctor who is from a different country and speaks very rapidly. Anabel's white blood count is up to 4.4. The last time (May 24) it was 1.2 - no chemo. (Watch for infections. She went to the hospital for 3 days after that because her temp got high.) The previous time it was 2.3 - no chemo. She can have chemo today. 24 hours after todays chemo she will have a longlasting white blood cell booster shot. She can have no chemo after that shot for 14 days. She can have the shot administered in Ida Grove tomorrow. That is a good thing, I think. Just driving to SC was tiring for me.
At home I mowed the yard. I called Gail and changed our plans so I would meet them in Avoca at 7:20 am to ride with them to see Mandy. I got to spend a little more time with Denny after he got back from church.

Tuesday June 8

Uncle Luke with his airplane and admiring nieces and nephews. I'm sure he will have it perfected the nest time we get together. Kind of funny... He said he was hesitant to tell his coworkers that he had gotten a remote control airplane, but when he finally got up the nerve it sounded like 4 of the 6 had model planes of their own. They knew just what he was talking about.

I had coffee with the folks and brought over egg salad for their lunch. It was a catch up day at the unit. I finished processing 24 litters of pigs and made 4 scrub litters. They ship out in 10 days hope they gain weight well. After 3 I went home to finish putting away dishes and laundry. It was after 5 when I went outside to work. It was after 6:30 before Denny came home. I kind of miss that guy, but he says he can get a lot done after everyone leaves and the place is quiet. Denny went to mow at the unit and I headed to Shirley D.'s. She had said I could get some lilies for an arrangement needed to put together. It was fun to walk through her yard. Lots of shade, cool plants and hostas. She dug up no less that 7 to share with me. Then off to feed the sows a second time. I started to mow the lawn at 9 pm and finished about 10:30.

Monday June 7

Up early to get a lot done. Mandy switched her flight from 7 pm to 12:30. Mandy and I took Denny to Arthur then stopped to visit folks before heading to the airport. I stopped in Harlan to get a few things for tonight. At home I finished weeding, mulching, getting serving dishes out etc. At 6:30 21 ladies came to the Girls Night Out. I served pink lemonade in pink glasses as they came. Denny met them and took the salads to the kitchen. I would visit a little with them and encourage them to walk around the garden with their friends. At 7 the salad buffet started.The table was set up diagonally in the sun room. There was a nice variety of salads, a big fruit salad, pasta salad, a fresh spinach/green salad with strawberries, all were good. I had made egg salad to put on dill onion buns. That way there was protein in the meal if all the salads that they brought were sweet. I had a vairety of pick Floral china plate for the gals to fill up with salads and carry to the coop. Denny had started a fire out there to take the chill out of the air. We served peach tea or ice water into pink goblets. The tables had lace doilies, cloth napkins and fresh flowers. At 7:30 we served dessert -choice of "better than anything" chocolate cake dessert or frozen strawberry mousse with whipped cream and fresh strawberry garnish. Denny poured decaf French vanilla coffee into assorted tea cups. Then the gals just sat and visited with their friends. That was what I wanted. It is good to have an excuse to be with your friends. I made a couple note cards : "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." "Friends are flowers in the garden of life." "If you are too busy to spend time with your friends, you are TOO BUSY!" Denny wore a white banker shirt and blue jeans. He has sometimes said he would like to have a bed and breakfast and serve people. This was his first chance. There were a lot of dishes to transport back to the house. We used laundry baskets with soft bath towels to keep the dishes from breaking. It worked pretty well. Nothing broke this time. After we started the first load in the dishwasher I headed up to the unit to feed the second time. When I got back we watched a DVD on a swimming coach.

Sunday June 6

No rain. Great am! Warm, sunny, and clear. Breakfast and pancakes by Luke and Karen. Whipped cream, fresh blueberries, strawberries. Also eggs, bacon, sausage for Denny's favorite meal of the day. Denny read some Psalms and Proverbs we sat around ... drinking camp coffee ... holding baby Brooks ... watching the cousins play and play and play so well together. THANKS KIDS!!! The kids, like their dad, not being ones to procrastinate, starting packing up the 3 days worth of camping gear. One nice thing about a motorcycle is that there is a limiting factor to the stuff you can carry. I mostly held that nice little baby. We were pretty much packed up to leave by 11. BUT WE NEEDED TO DO ONE MORE TRY FOR THE AIRPLANE. It made it's best flight, til the wind took it and hungry tree got it. The plane was retrieved, Hugs and kisses given, Thanks said, and We were off. 5 cars, 1 Harley and lots of good memories to take with us.

More court houses on our way home. Osceola, Creston, Greenfield, and Guthrie Center. Missy and Phillip brought Mandy home to the farm and stopped to visit Great grandma and grandpa. We watched E&A at the farm. While we were outside with Evan and Anabel I noticed that big lime stone rock had been moved away from the Linden tree out into the grass. I probed about their location and how the big rocks got there. Evan made "muscles" and said in a voice 2 octaves lower than usual, "I'm a big strong power ranger man." I said "Good enough, but we'll be leaving those big rocks by the tree where they have been for the last 15 years." So cute. They were BIG rocks. He must have moved them on Thursday before they left for Parkersburg.
Nice to have Mandy home to visit with before going to bed. Long wonderful day and weekend. We all were tired.

Sat June 5, 2010


It did rain during the night. Tent kinda of leaked, but we weren't drenched. Matt was in charge of breakfast and he had moved to a shelter and was cooking bacon, hash browns and eggs out of the rain. The wind was picking up, luckily, Phillip had 2 tarps in with the BW gear. He set they up to block the wind. We were good to go for the next couple hours. Matt cooked, we ate (grazed), kids played, grown ups drank camp coffee, warm rain, kids wet anyway, playground, more eggs, fruit, bagels, kids climbed fence, more coffee, kids find mud puddle,(pretty easy to do) jumping contest in puddle, so cute. Lil' Brooks just slept through it all, snug as a bug in a car seat. Life should be full of memories like these. Later back a the camp site we put out stuff to dry. The kids all had bikes and helmits. They got a lot of use, The blacktopped road around us didn't have much traffic. And the kid's wheels were spinning ... some times 6 vehicles at the same time with the adult bikes that were packed, too. The RR were a ways off, some times bikes were used to get there, but a p tree was also designated. Little boys loved to use it. Luke had gotten a remote control airplane at a garage sale a couple weeks ago and was itching to try it out. He took a few test drives in the camp ground ... too many hungry trees. We all enjoyed watching his attempts. And the tree climbing that went with retrieval. Too windy, but fun to try. Missy was in charge of lunch. She brought stuff for wraps. Naps for kids. Nice lazy afternoon. Showers. Luke and Karen had a card Monopoly game. After naps Denny gave 4 grandkids rides on the Harley. Phillip transferred the tarps to overhead protection by the camp fire. Didn't really look like rain, but maybe forethought could ward it off. If it was going to rain, the plan was that we were all headed into Kirksville to eat, but about 5 it still looked clear, so Luke,Karen and I went to bring Casey's pizza back to camp. We also got another camp chair for me. (Luke had brought a Hogslat chair for Denny. Actually Luke had just brought the chair for himself and Denny reclaimed it,) Of course, with in 30 minutes after getting back with the pizza, it started to rain. The tarps worked great keeping off the rain as we sat under them. Perhaps it would have been better if the fire had not been started. The idea was to take the chill out of the air, but the reality was that IT WAS SMOKEY!! Eye watering SMOKEY!! Cough making SMOKEY!! Smoke that didn't dissipate when fanned with paper plates. Gotta love memories like this. After kids were in bed (tent sleeping bags) we just sat by the fire, smoke had subsided. So good to spend time with family.

Friday June 4

The big news for Friday was the fact that ALL FOUR KIDS WERE AT ELK ROCK STATE PARK FOR A 60th BIRTHDAY GET TOGETHER FOR DENNY!!! Mandy flew into Kansas City on Thursday and Matt picked her up. When we drove the Harley to the camp site Denny was happy to see Matt and Becky there. Becky made note of how much they had packed in the truck. It took 3 times of Becky saying how much they packed before Denny actually looked in the back of their truck and saw Mandy in amongst the sleeping bags. What a great surprise!! Missy had come earlier with 3 kids to reserve 3 sites. Luke made it to the campground after getting groceries and deli meals for supper. Phillip came with canoes straight from a 10 -12 hour drive from Boundary water area. Karen drove 5 hours from Laurence. We really appreciated all the effort that was made to get there and surprise Denny. SO COOL! Denny and I had a great day prior to getting to camp. Coffee and breakfast with Jean and Arlan. When Kate got home from working 7-7 at Mercy she stopped at her folks. We followed her and got a tour of her house. Nice 2 story with a walkout basement. She loves her dog. We took pictures of the Warren county CH. Then to Polk. It was different driving in Des Moines. Congestion and traffic isn't a part of our daily lives. On to Newton CH. As we were having a great cup of coffee on the square I gave a college friend a call. Shari was home and we stopped and visited for about 45 min. SO COOL! Great to hear what God is doing in her life. On to Sigrouney We were hungry,but it was after 2 so diners were closed for lunch. At Oskaloosa after taking a picture of the CH we ate BBQ on the square. Then to Knoxville CH. They were getting ready for a motorcycle night on the square. Plus the race track looked like it was in full swing. Then North to Elk Rock. What a fun weekend was in store for us. All the kids had packed a light supper, so we jsut sat and visited. After the little ones were in bed we made a camp fire and roasted BIG marshmallows. Phillip had brought our big tent from BW and 5 cots. We set up 4 in our tent. Mandy had a little tent and cot all to herself. Both Missy and Matt had tents for their families. It did look like rain as we headed to bed.

Thur June 3

I fed at the unit then headed to IG to get my tire fixed and shop the Dose garage sale. Everything was 50% off. I was needing some sturdy wooden chair for the garden party. Dose had 2 free ones outside so I put them in the back seat. I also got a free clay pot for a mint plant that I got at PP yesterday. I ordered pictures of Howard and Anabel from Knop. Then stopped and got $10 worth of paint for my "free" chairs. Missy went to town for a haircut at 11. She got burgers for all of us for lunch. While she was gone I just played with and watched the 3 little ones. They were so cute! I got to feed Brooks a bottle and just watch E&A play. Evan had 3 books and really didn't want to share, but he was happy to get Anabel 4 other books to read . Missy took burgers to H&A and Denny came home for lunch. After lunch Missy started to pack up and I thought I would paint the free chairs in the front yard while the kids played by the Linden "shell" tree. I put a rug down to paint on and thought I could set the paint can in the clay pot to keep it from tipping while I painted. Sure enough, as I was putting the can in the clay pot, 1/4 of the paint spilled. My life ... Brooks was in his car seat watching me and the other 2 were playing by the shell tree while I painted the chairs. Then I gave the kids a goodby hug, and said,"I'll see you tomorrow camping". I heaeded off to the unit and they headed to Parkersburg after feeding Brooks. I finished at the unit and I went home to pack. Denny is taking his second day (of 5 the first year of employment) of vacation tomorrow. We headed out with the Harley about 7:30. Two courthouse stops at Adel and Winterset. Harder to get pictures in the dark. We got to Indianola about 11. Great to stay at Jean and Arlan's. We visited on the deck. Beautiful night to have a motorcycle ride and vist on the deck. Denny did skirt away from rain clouds on the ride down.

Wed June 2

Happy Birthday Gail!! I had the option of going to Wal-Mart for some major shopping with or without the little ones. Decided to go to Storm Lake before they got up, from 6-9 am. Missy went to visit Kristy in Carroll at 10. When I got home I had ingredients to make cinnamon rolls and dill onion buns. I also made strawberry dessert and chocolate cake dessert. I took A&E to Arthur with PB sandwiches to share with Grandpa at the playground for lunch. Then we headed to Odebolt for wood pieces and Prairie Peddlar. It was fun to hear them talk in the car. Anabel,"I spry sumting blue." Evan guessed and guessed and guessed, then said, "What is it?" Anabel shrugged her shoulders and said in her tiny voice,"I don't know." Then E would "spry sumting". We got home and they went down for naps about 2:30. I had a hair cut in Wall Lake at 3. The tire was flat on the Malibu. I took the Prius. I headed to the unit to feed after my hair cut. We just hung out at night.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday June 1

Missy had 8 moms and 19 kids over for a play date. E&A&I went to eat lunch at the Arthur city park with grand pa. He gave great pushes with the swing. The kids played well and ate egg salad sandwiches.

Monday May 31, 2010

I took Evan and Anabel to the unit. My, there were some scared kids! I felt like I had blood suckers on me when they went in the farrowing room and those mamas were hungry and barking. Denny had lots to do up there. 4 gilt developer pits were not flowing. He worked until after 5. Missy and the kids and I went to G Grandmas for a quick visit. E&A love to wrestle with grandpa.