Up early to get a lot done. Mandy switched her flight from 7 pm to 12:30. Mandy and I took Denny to Arthur then stopped to visit folks before heading to the airport. I stopped in Harlan to get a few things for tonight. At home I finished weeding, mulching, getting serving dishes out etc. At 6:30 21 ladies came to the Girls Night Out. I served pink lemonade in pink glasses as they came. Denny met them and took the salads to the kitchen. I would visit a little with them and encourage them to walk around the garden with their friends. At 7 the salad buffet started.The table was set up diagonally in the sun room. There was a nice variety of salads, a big fruit salad, pasta salad, a fresh spinach/green salad with strawberries, all were good. I had made egg salad to put on dill onion buns. That way there was protein in the meal if all the salads that they brought were sweet. I had a vairety of pick Floral china plate for the gals to fill up with salads and carry to the coop. Denny had started a fire out there to take the chill out of the air. We served peach tea or ice water into pink goblets. The tables had lace doilies, cloth napkins and fresh flowers. At 7:30 we served dessert -choice of "better than anything" chocolate cake dessert or frozen strawberry mousse with whipped cream and fresh strawberry garnish. Denny poured decaf French vanilla coffee into assorted tea cups. Then the gals just sat and visited with their friends. That was what I wanted. It is good to have an excuse to be with your friends. I made a couple note cards : "Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold." "Friends are flowers in the garden of life." "If you are too busy to spend time with your friends, you are TOO BUSY!" Denny wore a white banker shirt and blue jeans. He has sometimes said he would like to have a bed and breakfast and serve people. This was his first chance. There were a lot of dishes to transport back to the house. We used laundry baskets with soft bath towels to keep the dishes from breaking. It worked pretty well. Nothing broke this time. After we started the first load in the dishwasher I headed up to the unit to feed the second time. When I got back we watched a DVD on a swimming coach.
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