Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tues June 15

I went for coffee at the folks this am. Took egg dish, little smokies, and cinnamon rolls for their lunch. After working at the unit I took flowers to the widows luncheon. I gave Stangls a ride. There were leftovers so I brought some grilled burgers, fruit salad, potato salad, beans, and desert to the folks. Fed the second time and recorded all the info on farrowing and weaning. I got a call from Mr. Miller. Then Denny came home and we took the Harley in to IG. First the meeting then we went to Denison El Jimadors for supper. After we got home we watched the netflicks (3.9) Bottle Shock. I guess Denny fell asleep during the middle of it. The lawn really needs mowing.
Doesn't a smiling baby make your day?

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