Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tuesday June 29, 2010 6720

Hurrah!! I AM CAUGHT UP!! BEEN TRYING TO REMEMBER WHAT HAS GONE ON SINCE 10 DAYS AGO. It's tough so maybe I lied a little. Sorry, bad brain. This am, Curt, Rick, Brian and Jim were at the unit. I fed early and headed to SC to get the sprayer that has been repaired and is ready to be picked up. I also weighed in and went to a couple of Goodwills. There has been a wren that is nesting in this little house. I love to hear it's song. It's great to sit out and listen to the birds. Some of our animals I love. Some ... not so much. Haley and Torren were impressed with Dandy, my deer. He came and walked by us when we were roasting hot dogs. He just came right up where we were and stood and watched us. The next morning he walked close to the deck while I was having devotions. Now the NOT SO MUCH GROUP goes to the ground hogs that are burrowing under the buildings in the back yard. Denny has a plan ... fox urine ... I don't know how they collect it, but he ordered some on line tonight. Will keep you posted on that ground hog evacuation. I'm crossing my fingers.

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