I fed at the unit then headed to IG to get my tire fixed and shop the Dose garage sale.

Everything was 50% off. I was needing some sturdy wooden chair for the garden party. Dose had 2 free ones outside so I put them in the back seat. I also got a free clay pot for a mint plant that I got at PP yesterday. I ordered pictures of Howard and Anabel from Knop. Then stopped and got $10 worth of paint for my "free" chairs. Missy went to town for a haircut at 11. She got burgers for all of us for lunch. While she was gone I just played with and watched the 3 little ones. They were so cute! I got to feed Brooks a bottle and just watch E&A play. Evan had 3 books and really didn't want to share, but he was happy to get Anabel 4 other books to read . Missy took burgers to H&A and Denny came home for lunch. After lunch Missy started to pack up and I thought I would paint the free chairs in the front yard while the kids played by the Linden "shell" tree. I put a rug down to paint on and thought I could set the paint can in the clay pot to keep it from tipping while I painted. Sure enough, as I was putting the can in the clay pot, 1/4 of the paint spilled. My life ... Brooks was in his car seat watching me and the other 2 were playing by the shell tree while I painted the chairs. Then I gave the kids a goodby hug, and said,"I'll see you tomorrow camping". I heaeded off to the unit and they headed to Parkersburg after feeding Brooks. I finished at the unit and I went home to pack. Denny is taking his second day (of 5 the first year of employment) of vacation tomorrow. We headed out with the Harley about 7:30. Two courthouse stops at Adel and Winterset. Harder to get pictures in the dark. We got to Indianola about 11. Great to stay at Jean and Arlan's. We visited on the deck. Beautiful night to have a motorcycle ride and vist on the deck. Denny did skirt away from rain clouds on the ride down.
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