Monday: Up about 5:00. Left for airport about 5:50. We could / should have left earlier to give Becky more time, but she hurried through and made her flight. Halleluiah!! We headed toward IKEA and found a coffee shop where we sat outside and talked about wedding plans and enjoyed the view of the mountains and the company of each other. We thought about napping in car before having coffee, but that didn’t work the best. It did bring a lot of laughs, though. We looked at pinterest and some pictures of others weddings. Target opened at 9, so we shopped there. I got a desk calendar for school and some makeup. Next to a thrift store, then to IKEA. What neat stuff there. I bought a clear pad cover for my desktop calendar. We got to the airport at 1. It took us about 40 minutes to check in. Uffta, Glad we weren’t any later. It is a big airport. Now we are on our flight back to Omaha. Kathy picked Missy and I up and drove us to Abbott where out car was parked. Missy headed back home and Kathy and I went to her home. There was a leadership training at Jordan's place. About 50 small group leaders meet for supper and teaching. We sat and visited in Whitneys new conversation area. Their kids gave them an IKEA gift certificate for furniture.
Pictures of Monday morning coffee/ talk time in Denver And Sunday after the Triathlon.

TRI FOR THE CURE SUNDAY AUGUST 4 I didn't get it published on time.

Tri for the cure Sunday August 4, 2013
Up at 5 and left about 5:30 to head to the triathlon. The bikes were loaded into Jason’s jeep. He had checked the air pressure in the tires last night . About 1500 women were in the triathlon so the parking was spread out. It was a beautiful morning to be exercising.. It was scheduled for 75 women to leave in swim waves every 2 minutes. I think there were only 50 in my age division in wave 13 at 7:28 in the morning. The swim went okay. I swam one half mile in a little less than 20 minutes. When I swim at the rec center it takes about 25 -30 minutes for a half of a mile. That includes the time it takes to make turns after every length. Looking back the lake was low and so I think I would have been better off to run further into the water until I had to swim because it was too shallow. I swam what seemed to be a long time and my legs kicking touched the bottom. As I rounded the second to the last buoy, I kind of tried to cut the corner and another swimmer had the same idea, Pretty close quarters. When I got to the end of the swim I did run to the finish (I would imagine about 30 feet), but the last 12 feet before the man gave swimmers a hand up to the landing … was about 10 feet deep. So I had to dog paddle to the hand up assistant. I tried to run to the transition area. Then It was a quick ??/put on shoes and socks, running shirt, helmet, and off I went. Too late I realized I had not put on my running shorts. But I was almost to the bike start, so I just kept trucking. My duaghters thought that was hilarious. Me, who wouldn’t wear revealing bikers … ended up biking in my swimming suit. Now that’s ugly, but I thought “I know no one there” so I kept going running my bike to teh bike start instead of going back to the transition area and putting on my shorts. I was winded from swimming and running my bike to the start until about mile 2 of the bike ride. I covered the 12 miles in about 50 minutes. On the IG trail, the fastest I have ever ridden is 12 miles in one hour. It had rained a lot last night and we had to ride through about 6-9 inches of flowing water at one point of the bike trail. Kind of refreshing to feel the water spray up on your back. I used Nicole’s bike and it really worked well for me. I thought Mandy passed me on about mile 9, so I asked where Missy was … She said, ”Just a little ways back.” Then about mile 11 Mandy passed me again, I wondered what happened to her, but it was Missy who passed me the first time. Missy had started her swim in wave 22 at 7:38, Mandy had started wave 24 at 7:42. It was nice to be able to see them as we biked. I think the 3.1 mile run was the hardest part of the tri. The route was a steady incline to the reservoir dam. After the half way mark we turned around and ran down hill. My running time was about 39 minutes. Not very good, but I finished without stopping to walk. My “run” was not fast… just my regular trudging along. Mandy caught up with Missy with about 50 yards to go. After Mandy passed Missy she slowed down, with less that 10 yards to go Missy kicked it and passed Mandy at the finish line. Of course, Mandy had started 4 minutes after Missy and so her time was faster, but Missy sure got a kick out of passing Mandy at the finish line.
Mandy finished 25 out of 150 for her age group.
Missy finished 37 out of 191 for her age group. 271 out of 1497.
Faith finished 17 out of 36 for her age group. 949 out of 1497.
We chilled after finishing the triathalon. Becky made it back from taking Karen to the airport. We had massages before heading back to Mandy's apartment for a two + hour nap. Then showers and get ready to go to Jazz in the Park. Becky's friend came and met us there. and 2 of Mandy's nurse friends came also. Becky drove Mandy's car and it did not rain. Even though it seemed like it might. Glad we didn't take bikes like we talked about ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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