Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday get together with friends

Up for devotions on the deck behind Whitney's home. It was a great place to read one a day. Kathy and I stopped at Trader Joes before heading to Missouri Valley to meet Susan and Teresa for lunch at Pizza Ranch. It has been a long time since the 4 of us were together, but we seem to pick up our friendship right where we left off. SO good, I am so blessed. We spent about 2 hours at lunch and then headed to an antique store to look around until 3:15. I bought raspberries and almond bark pretzels at Trader Joes to share, although it was mainly Teresa and I who ate them. Susan gave me a ride home. Then she was heading in to IG for a supper meeting with the Praise and Worship teams. Julie L. had an Awana meeting. Denny had a sibling phone meeting scheduled, but they decided to just have an email update. Denny spray painted the garden shed and got it done.

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