Thursday, August 8, 2013

CSA pickup ... Bible study and painting the CSA barn

Up early Big goal today was to finish the Yellow House Mystery. I read to the kids before breakfast. Then put some CSA flowers together, Then read some more, Then put some more flowers together, Then read some more and finished the book before they had to go to the house for lunch. I picked basil and banded it into bunches. I husked corn into a big pot. When I finally went in my apartment I started the corn boiling for corn salad samples at CSA pickup tonight. I also started to make pesto for samples. Needless to say I was very late for 1:30 Bible Study at Susan’s. I dropped off the book at the library, dropped off my contact for polishing at the eye doctors, and got celery for corn salad at the grocery store, then to Susan’s. Nice to get together. It has been too long since I've been able to go to Bible Study at Susan's. Susan, Teresa, Laura, Ginny and Jenn Page. At home it was a rush to get it all done and out to CSA by 4:30. People seemed to like the 2 samples. One latecomer was thrilled to get a big sunflower, Fluffy, for her CSA bouquet. They are usually gone by the time she picks up her share. We shared a random meal of pork burgers, corn chips, kohlrabi, corn salad and almond bark covered pretzels with Jensens. After supper Denny used up all the paint on the west side of CSA barn. I went in and cut off about 6 quarts of corn to freeze. Chilled a little on the deck before heading to bed.

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