Saturday, August 17, 2013

Hurrah it is Saturday!!!!

Nice to be home today.  Denny worked at Odebolt bank.  I washed 5 loads of clothes, took out some of the garbage, Vacuumed the kitchen, sliced beets that I had cooked 2 days ago, took out corn cobs and husks, picked flowers for church tomorrow, took pictures of the 8 kids from the DM youth group  around the canoe trailer,  read the Courier, lined up clothes for next week.  I did not get to school to work on classes,  sleep in,  weed the garden, balance my check book, or do many of the necessary things on me to do list.  When Denny came home he started painting the CSA barn.  Gary did not make a trip to the farm.  Instead he is headed to Texas where Karl has a car that needed fixing.  Denny was happy to get an earlier start on spray painting.  Nice day Phillip was taking 8 youth plus Evan on a canoe trip down the Des Moines River.  I brought a treat to CSA barn ... Life is a special occasion ... Sharing nachos with Denny in CSA barn when he was painting it. Missy went to school to work, Brooks stayed with us and napped ... and played with toys ... and enjoyed the finished paint job with Denny and me. Later Denny grilled steaks and garden veggies for supper. YUM!!!

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