Thursday, August 1, 2013

To Denver .. after CSA

Up for One a day then back to bed for a while. Pretty full morning getting flowers and basil ready for CSA pickup. I fixed creamed kale for samples. I asked Rochelle M. if she wanted to pick up my share and so she and Max came. Phillip got out 2 little pigs and put them in a pen. Grandma Laurie came about noon. Missy and I left about 5:30 for the airport. No hiccups as we caught our 8:50 flight ... Well no bumps until we started to fly and then the flight was so bumpy Missy thought that she might need that white bag. Luckily, she kept her cookies down. Mandy met us at the airport. Denver is a big place. So good to be there with my 2 daughters and with plans to have my 2 daughters in law come tomorrow. Thank you Jesus for your rich blessings. Picture at the airport and of CSA pickup. Kids were measuring themselves and drawing how tall they were. Grandma Laurie came to watch kids while we were gone.

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