Tuesday, August 5, 2014

10 days away

Hard to believe that we are actually going on a trip and being away from home for 10 days.  Wow!! That's an adventure in itself. I planted Lunar Rose Hibiscus. We'll see what it does.  We left home about 11 and met Connie, Jerry, Kathy and Winston in Farmhamville. We ate at a city park.  We are trailering the motorcycle to Madison.   Amzing how little fits in a motorcycle. I dozed off and on while Denny drove.  We got to Madison around 8.  We ate Mexican with Nancy.  Then we took the truck and trailer to Kevin and Justin's to park it along the street there.  What a big beautiful house they have.  And Amy is such a cutie.  Back to Nancy's B&B for the night.  Thank you Lord for our safe travels.
Got a room at Timberland in St Agnise for Friday ad Saturday. Listened to Cool Tangerines as we drove.

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