It's Monday and what a great weekend we had!!! Hard to get back to real life, but Denny went to work this am. I had an appointment in SC with Anmon Anderson to check on a tooth that catches food around it. It does not need to be pulled. That's a good thing. I'll need to set up a time for a root canal after Labor day. Missy is fixing leftovers from wedding for Monday night discussion group. Beef roast and stuffed pork loin roast. So good. We ate out in the yard. Denny had a customer come into the bank at 5:15 and so he didn't get home until after 6:30. He was so tired after supper that he lay down with his bank clothes on and fell asleep. I just let him sleep and I went to bed in the blue room. Missy helped me pick flowers for CSA. She was watching 2 extra. The 4 year old asked more why questions than I have heard in a long time. It was nice for Missy to give that mom a break.
Here is a post on facebook from Susan B.:
Maynard: "Jason, if you eat all your green beans then we'll have a jello eating contest. " Meltdown avoided. Thanks cuz!

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