Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rest and relaxation

In bed until 7 :)  Like to sleep in.  Slow morning, Grands came down and we didn't leave for donuts until 8:50.  Brooks sat with us in church.  Listened to the first story of Cool Tangerines in SS.  After church, quick lunch and a nap.  I finished the Netflix movies: A Mother's Courage: Talking back to Autism and  The United States of Autism.   Denny started vacuuming and shampooing the rugs.  I helped move things.  Started the Boxcar children and the Snow storm.  We had oreos and ice cream out in the coop.  Went to Loziers, but no campfire in the rain. Back home to watch beautiful rainbow, kids and 2 videos on Autism until midnight. Denny joined me in the Temple Grandin. She developed the cattle processing tub system. With all the rain the sump pump started on August 31. How strange is that!!! Something is up, just trusting God in it all.

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