Friday, August 15, 2014

Thursday, August 14, 2014 Home... :)

So nice to stay the night with Keith and Val. Got up around 6 and had a great breakfast. Cinnamon rolls, coffee, OJ, scrambled eggs with ham and bacon. Left about 8 and stopped in Webster City to get some school supplies for me. Home about 12:30 - 1. Good to see everyone. Missy had 9 school staff out last night. Anabel helped me pick flowers for CSA.  I rode with Missy to Prairie Pedlar for CSA pick up.  Denny fixed burgers and zucchini for supper when we all got home.  Great meal and nice to visit a little bit on the deck.  Phillip has flagged out the possible location for the high tunnel hoop building. Pictures from vacation:

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