Didn't sleep the best last night. Lots to do, no coffee on the deck. Denny had lots to load up in the Jeep. Computer, food, vegetables to make salads at church. We got out of school at 2 for PD. Alicia lead it. Suppose to set up a time for PLC meetings. I thought that when we have the PD it would be a good time to meet, but I hear that is not an option. After school I headed to Arthur. After I had the salads made Denny said there were chairs 90% off af Shopko. I went there and bought 2 chairs and 1 table, All for $43. At 6 the Awana meeting started. There were 25 that came for training. Denny did a good job. He showed Mandy and Jason'd video before starting the meeting.
http://youtube.be/Itm7ypQdT8s Mandyand Jason's video
Pictures from Beth and Steven's wedding:

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