Tuesday, March 31, 2015

TAG family night

Denny did not have a good night sleeping. Lord, help him recover from surgery. At school a student had a very hard time making an Audio recording. Lord, help me help the student. I stopped at a student's home to see about an grade in class after school. Then I headed home to get Brooks. Phillip had tilled up an area south of house and planted 8 100 foot rows of snowpeas and sugar peas. Brooks and I came home and walked thru the garden looking for tulip shoots between the asparagus. Then we found 9 more dahlia bulbs with shoots and put them in pots. Denny was home and so we went in the house and then I headed to Odebolt. The TAG family night was amazing!!!! The students ran the night. Each student gave a simple overview of a part of their activities. The eighth graders were in charge of the challenge. The families were given the task of making a catapult. It was very well organized. It started at 6 and got over about 7:45. I really felt Missy had done a tremendous job. Fun night. Pictures from the beginnings of the wind tunnel and TAG family night.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Denny's PT at 4

Devotions and read in bed. I've been reading about weight gain after my surgery. Uffta!! I guess I am not the lone stranger. Lord, grant me wisdom to keep healthy. At 6 there is a gathering about yoli? It is suppose to get into the 70'2 today. That's enough to make me smile right there. Before leaving for school I made a sympathy card for Carol. ... and forgot my phone. When I got to the highway and realized it, I turned around. BOY was the sun bright going into the east. Lord, protect the Jensens as they travel east each day going to Odebolt. After school I went to hospital to watch Denny's PT, I got sandwiches at Subway. When I went to rec center, they said that there was nothing planned for community room tonight, so I came home. At home it was a beautiful afternoon. I planted about 7 more dahlia bulbs that were sprouting. I also put the daffodils from basement refrigerator in the ground. Still a nice day, so I started a nasty job. I picked up doggy dodo around the yard.YUCK!! Pictures from Palm Sunday. Kids sitting before the palm waving and then cuteness.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Sounds windy from my bedroom

Awake and reading is bed ... so nice and warm with the wind scooting outside. Denny is home today so I will take the Grands in for donuts by myself. He plans to go to work tomorrow. I thought this quote from a blog helps tell about God's grace in my life: I remember a shirt from the campus ministry, I was involved in during college -- it said, "I am evidence of grace" on the back. I always thought that was so cool. I really am the evidence of God's grace. Every good thing in my life is because of Him alone -- I didn't earn any of it and I certainly don't deserve any of it either. Many times when I post a photo here of the kiddos or my husband or other family and friends in our life, I am overwhelmed with God's goodness to me, to us. I am thankful, I am humbled, I am a recipient of undeserved grace. This is another blog comment that made me smile: As my high school band mentor Steve McCombs liked to say, "Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." I picked up the Grands for donuts before SS. Evan brought a book to read while we ate at Sparkies. It was palm Sunday and so cute to watch the kids with their palm branches. Brooks sat with me during church. It doesn't get very much better than that. After church, I went to IG to get potatoes to fix for next weekend. We watched TV in bed. Restful afternoon. I feel way too lazy :)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Carroll? NOPE didn't go

Up at 5 for devotions and to make questions for DVD Silverwings for student. Denny fixed sausage for me. Nice phone calls from Matt ( Haley wondering information on Johnson Swedes) and Jean. All morning and until 3 I watched and wrote questions about Silverwings. I don't really like the story line. The process of survival for a bat with some superpowers (he can produce visualizations of his thoughts that others can see.) Uffta!! We'll see. After I was finally done with that I went to check my dahlia bulbs. Only 4 out of 400 were sprouting, I put them in pots. I put a moist towel over the remaining bulbs. Hopefully more will sprout. Jensens were leaving as I went up to look at the baby pigs, so I invited the kids to stay with me and have some pop later. We went into all the buildings and looked around. It was fun to see what their imagination has done. The farm is such a good place for kids. We had pop and popcorn on the deck. Kids went out to jump on the trampoline. I took the daffodil from the basement refrigerator and planted them in holes that I had dug last November. A few tulips from when I planted them on November 23rd are coming up. I have my very first flowers of the spring coming up south of the house. Some pink little one right next to the upside down 5 gallon buckets that dahlia bulb spent time in at the root cellar. Kids went home and Denny and I watched about 6 tv episodes. I took a long soaking bath and watched 1 Gilmore girl show. Relaxing night and lovely day. Phillip asked about seed cube maker I was thinking about going in halves for.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Ladies night

Devotions in bed. Nice to read and be under the covers. Thanks to a husband who doesn't mind (too much) about the bedside light on. Regular day at school. Still working on vocabulary and M&Ms. Finished the movie Holes. Made cake in a bowl in Independent living. Kids liked it. After school I met Missy at Orchard Ave and picked up Anabel. We went back to Selections to get easter eggs for Missy so she could make Minions for Brooks birthday party. Then we went to church for ladies project night. Anabel did cartwheeels all over. We rolled bandages. We watched and listened to the ladies working on projects. Stephanie ws making jewelry, Sharon Quilting, Sally making cards, Maryann and Lillian rolling bandages, Nancy knitting, Anabel doing cartwheels. After a great meal that Mary fixed. Really SO good. Chicken Florentine, fresh fruit, bread and spread, crackers and dip. I headed to Missy's with Anabel. I took Denny the meal that Mary had sent for him and then I watched the Solarzano's and Jensens while Missy went to church. I finished feeding Maddie then we all went to watch a movie in basement. Maddie is amazing. Just happy and wiggly and full of smiles during the movie while I held her. Guy came in. They had been working on getting posts into the ground for Phillip's high tunnel. At home Denny had made us salads, etc. but he was in bed. Pictures are of 4 cute little blonds, Jensen, Johnson, Buelher.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

School yes again

I stayed in bed and finished a letter to Kathleen. Too busy to make breakfast for Denny. He checked and told me that the post office opened at 8:30. Mandy and Missy called to talk a little before their day started. Denny slept with his foot on the pillows again and that seems to help reduce the pain. Student wrote about mystery in the bag and then tired to earn the m&m's for his mom by doing vocabulary words. During my planning I went to the post office to mail the package priority mail. I also got groceries. Edible pod peas were 2 bags for $1. Love those produce sales. Nowhopefully we can get them eaten. Independent living fixed biscuits and gravy. I stayed at school until 6:45 lining up the next 2 weeks of classes. Seniors have 33 days left of school. At home I was just tired. Ate quickly and watched the gift of the Magi in bed. I have a sore back

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Early out hair cut

Read devotions in bed until 6. I made breakfast for Denny. He plans to drive himself in for Physical Therapy. He did not take any strong pain meds today so he thinks it will be okay to drive. Regular day at school. Kids out at 2. Visited with Amelia before she went to Ginny's. PD was okay. We talked about success group activities. I headed to Wall Lake for hair cut after school. Then to Awana. When I got home I printed off pictures of my over the counter vitamins and started at letter to Kathleen. Good day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cold, rainy, icy on the way home from school

Read devotions in bed. Then up and at 'em. I got Denny's sausage and eggs ready. At school multi media had a field trip. One para was gone. A couple students were gone. I got groceries for Ind. Liv. during my planning. Late in the afternoon it started to rain. Then Icy pellets fell. At home we ate early and I was tired, so I headed to bed. Watched a couple tv netflix, It is just cold, icy and rainy. BLAH Stuff I take every day. At least when I remember. Made a copy for Kathleen. order="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicO0xyJUxQNfjEZnrioY9aykMuZDFqdwQebuSQXWW8H7xnnQlZGt_sjbXRu3U0a2QT68I8ZxkT_W9AJtXqarF5gdg5j-BUM3FTjmG4P-Y3aJ406K_OMCwXCWh1-xIoLzbDbYRn4w04CA/s400/010+(3).JPG" />

Monday, March 23, 2015

Full week

I got Denny's breakfast after devotions. His PT appointment got changed and Phillip would not be able to take him because it is the time Brooks gets off the bus. I checked at school and It would work for me to give Denny a ride. We met to visit with Cathy during success. I came home right after school and Denny and I fell asleep during the news. I am working on class plans for the story The gift of the Magi. Pictures of the new flooring in the stairway to the basement. Denny has decided it is too cold to shower down there even though the shower is bigger and easier to get into.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Baby shower for Rachel

I had my devotions out in LR so as not to wake up the sleeper. I fixed him his favorite for breakfast. 2 sausages. eggs, toast with hot sauce and coffee. It si windy and cold today. Only Brooks and Anabel for donuts today. I visited a little at church before going to Denison. I met Kate B. at Mc D and we went to Manning together. The shower was at her mother inlaws. About 12 of us were there. The decorations were really cute. Nice gifts, nice lunch, good time. I watched some netflicks before taking a nap.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

I see progress He's a hard worker!

Jason and Mandy spent the night.  Everyone slept in pretty well.  About 9:30 Jensens came over and had bagels with us.  Phillip and Missy were putting seeds into germination trays.  Mandy and Jason are working with Piper to not bark or bite.  Cute. Omar and Stephh spent most of the afternoon helping with getting the site for the hoop green house ready.  Kids played outside on a nice windy day. Denny and I watched about 3 movies and 5-6 tv series on Netflix.

Friday, March 20, 2015

First day of Physical therapy

Slept in pretty well. I fixed sausage, eggs, Coffee, and we had bagels for breakfast. Great to have Mandy here. Jensens are getting ready for families from church with elementary students that are coming for a potluck, fellowship, prayer and playing and fire. Laurie spent the night, so she is helping. Denny and I went in for PT. He is a rock star patient. Good range of motion, Strength will come. At least a week ahead of schedule. And it was about 40 hours since his surgery. I got a baby shower gift. Then we headed home. Missy had fixed us taco meat. Mandy took a ride on the zip line. They were building a fire pit down by the kids club house. Mandy has been entering info on the patients that she has seen during her apprentiship.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Denny home ... not all better

Awake and asleep during the night. I slept part time in the recliner and part-time on the floor when my back hurt too bad. Everything went okay. Left over cold pizza for me for breakfast. Denny had more of his favorites, eggs, 2 sausage, fresh fruit, oatmeal with raisins. He had physical therapy about 10:30. After lunch (and pain pills) his doctor came in and said he could go home tonight if he wanted to. Later in the afternoon Denny said that he probably made the wrong choice at that time because the pain medication was making him a little loopy. Wrong choice he said. Should have stayed another night in the hospital. but we came home. Got here about 6. Denny settled in guest bedroom and he went to sleep. Mandy came about 7. She was interning all day and had a patient with an infected belly button. Interesting. Missy came over after parent teacher conferences. Phillip and Evan came over after extension garden meeting.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Denny's knee replacement surgery

Quiet around here in am as Denny can't eat, so why get up? Plus we don't need to leave for SC until 11. The surgery is scheduled for 2 with Ben Bissel in Dakota Dunes. Lord, go with Denny into surgery today. May it help him gain painfree mobility. I walked 2 miles this am and was happy to be able to NOT put the activity on facebook. (I really shouldn't check OK after saving my map my run activity when I can't read on the phone screen what I am okaying.) We left about 10:40 for the 2 pm surgery. There was lots to do before surgery, blood pressure check, EKG (it turned out normal), They shaved his knee. He didn't head into surgery until about 2:40. I waited in area and read, watched netflicks, and ate the treats they had available. About 6 I saw the doctor. He said the surgery went excellent. He did a partial knee replacement. I got Casey's pizza (It was GREAT!) and walked around a Goodwill store. About 7, I went to Denny's room, he had just gotten there. Now I am texting kids, he is dozing, and I am watching Netflicks. Pictures of Kaner and bed head. So cute ... it makes me grin :) (Denny had a haircut the day before surgery and so his hair will not resemble his grandson.) A writing for class in Savannah.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Parent teacher conferences

Read devotions in bed. Sherry was gone today and Lorraine subbed for her. It worked out great so I could just talk to Lorraine about my lesson plans for Wednesday and Thursday. One student thought the bus came at 2:15. Lord, keep teaching me. School got out at 2:30 and so I went to walk through the downtown stores between that time and 4:00 when parent teacher conferences started. We had 4 families stop in tonight. Pretty good for us. When I got home, we watched Netflix. Pictures from Bruce's house:

Monday, March 16, 2015

Baby shower for Samantha

Read in bed til 6. Regular day at school. A couple of students were gone. In multi media we got the stop animation clip running and added music. It was 80 degrees and so after school I was planning to head right home. Missy called and needed some diapers as a gift, so I stopped at DG to get them. Then I did a few things at home. Then headed to Jensens. Phillip was just leaving with kids for grocery shopping and gymnastics. I visited and helped Missy straighten up the house a little. Brenda came to get me to drive to Paulsruds for a baby shower for Samantha. Nice turn out. Beautiful gifts. The addition on their house will be wonderful for her parents. I got a ride home with Stephanie and Missy.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Funday

I got up and had my devotions in the living room, Then I boiled potatoes to make party potatoes for lunch.  The Grands ran out to the end of the driveway before we went for donuts.  After church Terry, and Sharon, Mike and Brenda, Ben and Sarah came  for lunch.  Great time to visit and catch up.  I took a quick nap, and thought about going to the rec center swimming, but it was too late.  We went to prayer time at church.  Before going to sleep, we watched 1 episode of the Gilman girls.   I had written an Email to PM telling how very nice I thought the FFA banquet was and saying how a good speaker system would have made it better.  He wrote back and said the email made his evening.

Friday, March 13, 2015

At home

Read and finished The Last Mohican. Then I finished watching the you tube movie from 1974. It was a real thriller, but it helped me figure out who the characters were. I must admit the book was as hard for me to read as some of the graduate books from Morningside. Only the vocabulary was tougher. Denny was cleaning. Breakfast was blueberries and raspberries in the sunroom with toast. Washed a couple loads of clothes. I started to clean off the dahlia tubers in the basement. Jensens came over and we ate lunch on the deck. Anabel and Brooks were in Ames with G'ma Laurie. They went to a gymnastics meet at ISU last night. Josh M. was playing with Evan, they walked over a long the stream. They spent the afternoon playing in the grove. Denny and I sat on the deck and thought out of the box about the farm. What a beautiful afternoon. Laurie brought the kids back and is staying for the ISU KU game. Denny ironed his clothes and I sorted recipes from Independent living. We headed to Jensens and walked in right as ISU won. Everyone was jumping up and down. Jason was at the game. Mandy is staying with Matt and Becky for the weekend. Jason stopped in there on his way to Kansas City so he could earn the $20 bet on having the first visit to a siblings home. I started watching Gilmore Girls before I went to bed. Seems much better than the one Denny was watching. Hope I sleep better than I did last night.

FFA banquet after school

Awake and read in bed. I left a little early to stop at Subway and get a footlong for a writing assignment. A couple students were gone. After 10 days of absents students have to make up the class time they miss for every class, every day they are absent. Independent living students made fried eggs, canned cinnamon rolls, and bacon. I went home right after school and ran/ walked 4 miles in a slow hour. The weather was windy, but warm. I did not know , but the Map my run was published on facebook. Uffta I don't want the news broadcast. Denny came home and we chilled on the south side of the deck and then watched national news. I took a hot bath. Omar stopped by to return a charger for Denny's tools. We left for FFA banquet. It was really nice. About 160 people there. Good meal by Aunt B's. We sat with Neal S. When I went up to talk to Rachel she said that I was the only high school teacher there and she was glad I came. After we got to the car, I realized I had not introduced Denny to Rachel and so we went back into the school. Bless his heart... such a sore knee, and still he wanted to do that. Amazing husband that I have. Pictures of sunrise by my friend Diane W.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Another nice day in the 70's

Awake and read in bed until 6. At school emailed Lynn to see about TAP work credits. Multimedia working on stop picture action project. Almost meltdown. Thank you Jesus. After school I did the trail. very slowly, it took and hour. I walked about half of the trail. At 6 met Denny to go to REC meal and meeting. We sat by Strewarts and Wunschels. We picked up a few groceries and then went home and right to bed.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Back to the real world... school

Awake and reading in bed. Nathan showed multi media his leggo movie. Students need to bring props to start shooting their own tomorrow. There is a transfer of schooling. A ride will be provided to SC and back each day. After school, I walked / trudged the trail. Great to be able to be outside. I was so busy talking to Mandy on the phone I missed Missy waving at me while she drove the school suburban. My knees are kind of sore. YUCK!! It took me over an hour and 5 minutes. Then to Awana. I went right home and went to bed. I was in bed by 8:30 and slept until 3:30. Denny said we may go to FFA banquet Friday night.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Fun day BC SC Cheriooo

Awake and reading in bed. Left at 8 to take cans and bottles to BC. Stopped at Jensens and read Brucho to Grands while they wrote on Hike/Bike a thon. Home to take a long bath. Looked up Diane's address for Missy. Went to Arthur at 12. Left for SC around 1. We went to Dakota Dunes checked in and then headed to the surgical center across the street to have Denny's blood work done. Next we drove to Hunderdmark. I got dropped off at Goodwill, Denny went to Menards, I walked across the street and went to meet a homeschool family. We left for Cherokee about 5:15. We went to Cook's house to meet Piper, then to eat Mexican. Jan joined us. The food was great. Wonderful time with Mandy, Jason and Jan. So good. Such a fun time visiting!!! Home by 9:15 (seven stop signs). :) There are a couple ways to Cherokee. We took the county road 27 way (which Denny thought was longer than going down highway 59). He had me count stop signs. Cute guy. :)

Monday, March 9, 2015

Home and doing stuff

I was in bed until 6:45. Then over to read to Grands by 7:00 while Missy went walking with Ranae and Phillip did chores. We fixed sugar donuts and read 3 chapters of Brucho. At home I looked at IRA stuff and flower orders. I bagged up cans and bottles to take to recycling. At 12:30 I had an appointment with bank Sandy S. Then to school to get leftovers from Thursday and then I stopped at Hidden Acres to visit about lizianthus flowers. At home I watched a Netflix, Evelyn. At 4 I went to read to Grands again. We pulled dahlia bulbs out of the root cellar and I brought them home to the basement shower room to let them sprout. Hopefully some of them will make it. We watched the final episode of the Bachelor. An Iowa love story. Quote from Nikolette Cheers to just living life, guys.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

5 hours from Rochester to IG

Up at 6 for my shower.  We left for church about 7:30.  Diane played piano for the service.  It was so good to hear her play.  They had a praise team for first service.  I left about 9:30 and got to Emmetsburg about 12:30.  Lauren had left to go bowling and so I just missed her.