Thursday, March 19, 2015

Denny home ... not all better

Awake and asleep during the night. I slept part time in the recliner and part-time on the floor when my back hurt too bad. Everything went okay. Left over cold pizza for me for breakfast. Denny had more of his favorites, eggs, 2 sausage, fresh fruit, oatmeal with raisins. He had physical therapy about 10:30. After lunch (and pain pills) his doctor came in and said he could go home tonight if he wanted to. Later in the afternoon Denny said that he probably made the wrong choice at that time because the pain medication was making him a little loopy. Wrong choice he said. Should have stayed another night in the hospital. but we came home. Got here about 6. Denny settled in guest bedroom and he went to sleep. Mandy came about 7. She was interning all day and had a patient with an infected belly button. Interesting. Missy came over after parent teacher conferences. Phillip and Evan came over after extension garden meeting.

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