Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cold, rainy, icy on the way home from school

Read devotions in bed. Then up and at 'em. I got Denny's sausage and eggs ready. At school multi media had a field trip. One para was gone. A couple students were gone. I got groceries for Ind. Liv. during my planning. Late in the afternoon it started to rain. Then Icy pellets fell. At home we ate early and I was tired, so I headed to bed. Watched a couple tv netflix, It is just cold, icy and rainy. BLAH Stuff I take every day. At least when I remember. Made a copy for Kathleen. order="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEicO0xyJUxQNfjEZnrioY9aykMuZDFqdwQebuSQXWW8H7xnnQlZGt_sjbXRu3U0a2QT68I8ZxkT_W9AJtXqarF5gdg5j-BUM3FTjmG4P-Y3aJ406K_OMCwXCWh1-xIoLzbDbYRn4w04CA/s400/010+(3).JPG" />

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