Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Denny's knee replacement surgery

Quiet around here in am as Denny can't eat, so why get up? Plus we don't need to leave for SC until 11. The surgery is scheduled for 2 with Ben Bissel in Dakota Dunes. Lord, go with Denny into surgery today. May it help him gain painfree mobility. I walked 2 miles this am and was happy to be able to NOT put the activity on facebook. (I really shouldn't check OK after saving my map my run activity when I can't read on the phone screen what I am okaying.) We left about 10:40 for the 2 pm surgery. There was lots to do before surgery, blood pressure check, EKG (it turned out normal), They shaved his knee. He didn't head into surgery until about 2:40. I waited in area and read, watched netflicks, and ate the treats they had available. About 6 I saw the doctor. He said the surgery went excellent. He did a partial knee replacement. I got Casey's pizza (It was GREAT!) and walked around a Goodwill store. About 7, I went to Denny's room, he had just gotten there. Now I am texting kids, he is dozing, and I am watching Netflicks. Pictures of Kaner and bed head. So cute ... it makes me grin :) (Denny had a haircut the day before surgery and so his hair will not resemble his grandson.) A writing for class in Savannah.

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