Thursday, November 30, 2017


I visited several families this am.  They were gals who had at one time or another come to my housse for Bible study.  Denny put 2 sliding drawers in the cold closet for odd shaped utensils.  I took a nap before heading into Ginny's for study.  When I got back Denny was pretty excited about rearranging the computer room and trying out the new mattress he had gotten that is just like the one Luke has that we slept so well on.  At 6:10 he headed to Odebolt with Brooks to go to wrestling practice.  I have 2 coffee cakes to make, gifts to wrap, clothes to pack, a bed to make, clothes to wash, a swimming suit to repair.  I guess I better get going on doing those things.  Uffta!!!

LIE STILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

In the Pink with Jack

Such a fun Day!!!
I left about 6:30, so I could head north to Jack country.  I had been warned that he got pink eye and I was happy to love on him.  I made coffee as he johnny jumped.  Sandy O. came over to visit in the am and G'ma Jan came in the afternoon.  He took a 3 hour nap in pm and I woke hime up at 4.  He had not eaten since 10:30 and I was afraid he would blow away.   With medicine and eye drops he was looking better by the time I left.  It was a good night at Awana.  At home Denny and I chilled and got caught up on our day  He is hoping I would include info on our septic tank empty.  We have no life!!!   But I thoroughly enjoy each day.  Thank you, Jesus!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

OGT and gymnastics

Did not sleep well last night, but Denny said I did snore a lot.  The kind that when you exhale your lips go "Bubububub"  Uffta!!  I packed infant and children's boxes today.  When I got home about 11:15 Denny was out with 4 wheeler cutting down trees in the terraces.  He made a great lunch of fried eggs, cheese and arugala.  I got down Christmas things from the attic.    I cancelled "the Elfs" room at Dubuque.  The plan is to make lua meatballs for Hendersons and Porters.  Gymnastics in Denison was so much fun!!!   Wow, Anabel's class is really hard, but she just improves every week.  She made 3 floor aerials and didn't know how to proceed with 2 skips before the aerial.  She was so patient, waiting for Julie to help her.   

Monday, November 27, 2017

Trip to SL

Nice to sleep in until 7.  I kinda was awake at 2, but fell back asleep.  Denny got 2 new tires for the jeep down at Ampride.  I headed to SL and picked up Minh.  We went to walmart to return some things and get groceries.  We ate at Juaninta's, the burrito was great.  Next we volunteered at SOS.  Minh is so quiet, but she really kept busy working.  It was fun to work together and they really appreciated us being there.  I picked up Laura at 3 and we headed back to IG.  ON the way out of IG I picked up some old carpet strips for the garden. Oh, my did it stink!!!!  Denny was mowing the leaves and the yard really looked great.   New bnbers came in, Mark and James (who was here before.)  Great supper of salad.  Denny ordered a bed for computer room.   Cute pics of Hannah and Shane's boys. 

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Sunday Funday

Nice slow am.  We were even slow getting to church to be greeters.   :(  Denny ran the power point.  After church we started the wash going, ate, and took naps.  I read for a while and Denny started cleaning the bnb.  We went for a 3 mile walk with Keelie about sunset.  It was a pretty skybluepink that didn't come thru on the pictures.  We fixed a Thai sun basket meal from Luke for supper.  

Saturday, November 25, 2017

home all day

Lovely day!!! no wind!!! warm 55 degrees.  We got stuff done.  Denny worked all day oon making shelves for the cold closet.  It turned out great!! About 3:30 we had some pesto and limeade under the big maple tree.   It was so nice.  The animals were enjoying the day also.  When I realized that too many cooks spoiled the closet work I went outside and  rototilled the lisianthus garden diagonally and lengthwise.  And cleaned the CSA shed.  An emptied flower pots that had dead flowers in them.  And got dahlia and glad bulbs ready for the root cellar.  I started a fire in the firepit and when Sanjai and Reena came back from Denison and we sat around and visited in the dark with the fire glowing. It was a wonderful evening.  When we came in we spent considerable time admiring the work that Denny did ... and filling the shelves with all the things in the living room that we had taken out of the closet.  Thank you, Jesus.   

Friday, November 24, 2017

Not black to me!!!

Slow am, Arlan fixed great omelets for breakfast.  After coffee we went to Best Buy and got covers for our phones.  Then a quick stop at Many Hands and next we stopped near Granger where Goldsmiths had an airbnb for their family.  Rose was running a little temp and not feeling the best.  We ate chili with them for lunch and we shared our party potatoes.  Mandy and MOJO's got together in Kingsley.  We were in Arthur for Denny's meeting.  Then home to chill and learn about our phones and catch up on the blog.  Jenn came to bring back the Jeep. 

Thursday, November 23, 2017


Pretty slow early am.  We left for Indianola and got there about 11.  Fun to be with the Schrums   Arlan fixed the turkey and Ham on the grill.  Christy had made squash soup  Beth brought the pies.  We brought party potatoes.  It was good all the way around.  Baby Jason is a cutie.  We went on a walk to the Simpson stadium.  Later Katie wanted to go to Younkers sale, so Jean and I rode along.  We went to the movie Wonder at 9:30.  Good movie.  

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Early time to thank

I am so thankful that Missy invited us over for lunch when Mo Joes were going to be there.  :)   It is truly a blessing just to be with family ... I don't add much to the conversation .... I just soak up their laughter, conversation and love.  Thank you Jesus.  It was so nice.  The grands had fun making slime, wrestling and doing gymnastics and walking on their hands.  When we got home we found out that we got a package of storage shelves for the cold closet.  Denny worked on putting them in.  We also looked in the garage freezer and cleaned it.  Missy and grands came over and chilled and watched cooking Chef contest. Airbnb guests are coming late tonight from Minneapolis.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Full day

I headed to IG about 7:30 to volunteer at OGT until 11.  Then to rec center to change my clothes before going to sub for PE at the IG elementary school.  The afternoon went ok.   I was not as happy with the first class I taught, but I figured out how to do it better the next 3.  Lord, help me.  Next at 4 to Pete G. to talk about our will.  At home we looked at all the cleaning that Denny did after bnb guy left this am.  At 6 I headed to Jensens.  Anabel did 3 aerials on the floor mat tonight.  So good.  Denny headed to Storm Lake to give Laura a ride home after her movie class.  I watched This is Us before going to bed.
Big Thank you to the service men in our country!!!!!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Fun with Jack

I read in bed and headed upstairs at 7:30.  Nice time with Jack today.  I went in the laundry room and he was on his back.  When I came back he was on his tummy.  The little guy was rolling and rocking.  I went to the Cherokee hospital to see Dakota and Axel.  He is a nice little guy.  I took him a stuffed animal and some cash.  Now Dakota can see her toes again I gave her a zippered bag with feet bubble, lotion, etc.  When I got home the Grands were here taking bathes.  Denny moved his bike and the trainer to the sun room.  Missy and Phillip were going to the visitation for Kent S.  So sad. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Haley is 14!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Haley!!! We love you so much!!!!
We walked to church this am.   River Valley is the name and it is about a block from their apartment.  Great service.  Rose was in the front pack lifting her hands and clapping.  We walked for bagels after church and then back to pack.  I got to hold a sleeping Rose while others took things to the cars.  We stopped at Trader Joes before heading home and got home about 6:25.  We unpacked the car and I went to the Ingathering.   45 K    Then I headed to Cherokee and went in the hot tub.  Wonderful day!!!!    Thank you, Jesus. 

Saturday, November 18, 2017

A day in Downtown

We slept well.  Denny really liked the foam mattress that Luke and Karen have.  I stayed in bed until the sisters' phone call.  We stopped for coffee and a donut before heading to Whole food.  The stroller held a lot of grocery bags.  Luke fixed lunch for us from Sun basket.  Karen peeled some oranges to cover with chocolate and take to Thanksgiving.  When Luke went for a run, the rest of us took naps.  Luke and Karen have a house warming to go to.  

Friday trip to Rose

I got up and enjoyed coffee in a mug that Kim gave me.  I texted her to tell her I like it, I use it, and thank you.   Denny got up a little later and started to go over search committee resumes.  When he went to the meeting I went to Danbury and Mapleton for homeschool visits.  We headed to Minneapolis.  Luke and Karen were about 15 minutes behind us as we drove up 35.  We pulled off at a town and they joined us so Rose could eat.  Traveling to downtown  was interesting.  Lots of traffic and we give a "super hurrah" for GPS and the new speaker Denny got when we were in Mo. Uffta!!! we just listened and followed whatever it said.  Denny had never been to their apartment, so Luke gave a tour.  Rose opened the gift from Aunt Nancy and really liked playing with the blocks.   They make a fun sound when she knocked them together.  At night after Rose went to bed we just sat and visited.  So good to be here.  Nice family...  Much love.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Food pantry great day

Fun to be with Denny in the morning.   We "coffee"ed and were in IG by 8:30 for Denny's haircut. I went and looked at Doses and then went to Selections and bought 8 b day cards.  He went to chiropractor and then we went home.  We sat in sun room on our laptops and looked up stuff.  We had guacamole for lunch.   I ordered 8 alstromeria from Edelweiss.  At 1:30 I headed to IG for 1/2 hour of study and then to the food pantry.  Nice bunch of people to work with.  I took 2 boxes of food to Laura then I went to Odebolt.  I stopped on the way for a quick walk thru of Rachel's.  Before Brook's wrestling practice I visited with MaryAnn and Paul.  Denny headed to a meeting at church and I took Brooks home.  Dakota and Tristan had baby Axel, about 3 weeks early.  This afternoon Denny ordered a new roof.  At night we chilled and visited in the living room.   So thankful for our warm home.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Awana family night

Up at 6 and we walked with kids down to meet the bus.  Then another cup of coffee with Matt and we are on our way home.  Stopped at Walmart in Atlantic and Denison to finally get the batteries for our Prius key fob.  :) Beautiful day to travel.  While I drove we worked on a couple lessons of Pimsleur.  Naps when we got home because it was such a grueling day.   :)    Denny headed to IG about 4.  I went to Jensens.  Missy was up to her elbows in baking: cupcakes, muffins,  pumpkin bread, brownies.  I baked one batch of cupcakes and brought them back to her.  There were over 200 at Awana.  It really went well.  Nice bunch of adults, Pastor had a great counsel time, The lunch was enjoyed.  Thank you Joann and Susan for bringing bars. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Haley's game

I went to IG to volunteer for the Orphan Train from 7:30-10:00 this am.  The big talk was about a pair of jeans that were donated with the tag still on.  $346.  Uffta!!!  Who does that????  We left for St Joe about 11 and got there about 3.  First we stopped at the Harley store so Denny could get a pair of driving gloves, Then to Haley's game.  It was very fun to watch.  They have a benchful of good playing girls and lot of hustle and stealing the ball.  They won, right at the end Haley had a steal and scored her first basket.  We came back to Mo Jo's and had a great roast pork supper.  It was so fun to visit with Matt and Becky in their stylish new living room furniture.  In bed about 10. Thank you Jesus for your blessings.