Wednesday, November 29, 2017

In the Pink with Jack

Such a fun Day!!!
I left about 6:30, so I could head north to Jack country.  I had been warned that he got pink eye and I was happy to love on him.  I made coffee as he johnny jumped.  Sandy O. came over to visit in the am and G'ma Jan came in the afternoon.  He took a 3 hour nap in pm and I woke hime up at 4.  He had not eaten since 10:30 and I was afraid he would blow away.   With medicine and eye drops he was looking better by the time I left.  It was a good night at Awana.  At home Denny and I chilled and got caught up on our day  He is hoping I would include info on our septic tank empty.  We have no life!!!   But I thoroughly enjoy each day.  Thank you, Jesus!

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