Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday trip to Rose

I got up and enjoyed coffee in a mug that Kim gave me.  I texted her to tell her I like it, I use it, and thank you.   Denny got up a little later and started to go over search committee resumes.  When he went to the meeting I went to Danbury and Mapleton for homeschool visits.  We headed to Minneapolis.  Luke and Karen were about 15 minutes behind us as we drove up 35.  We pulled off at a town and they joined us so Rose could eat.  Traveling to downtown  was interesting.  Lots of traffic and we give a "super hurrah" for GPS and the new speaker Denny got when we were in Mo. Uffta!!! we just listened and followed whatever it said.  Denny had never been to their apartment, so Luke gave a tour.  Rose opened the gift from Aunt Nancy and really liked playing with the blocks.   They make a fun sound when she knocked them together.  At night after Rose went to bed we just sat and visited.  So good to be here.  Nice family...  Much love.

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