Friday, November 3, 2017

What to do????

Up before 6 for devotions.  Now to decide what I should work on today.   Well, as it happens I did very little.  :)   Anabel and Brooks came over to help me count my farmer's market money and look at an Iowa map for Elgin.  Around noon Jensens left to NE Iowa to visit Z's.  I sorted thru nasty shampoo samples/hairbrush/ nail polish/ half used toothpaste/ lotions/ bobby pins.  Uffta!!! not a pleasant task for someone how hesitates to toss that junk out!!!  Why is it that I think that I may ... sometime in the future ... NEED blistex that has melted into the cap OR a dried up bottle of fushia fingernail polish OR a used tube of toothpaste that no longer squeezes out because the toothpaste has dried rock solid.  UFFTA!!
I did clean the house ... To which Denny noticed when he got home at 9:30.  "It looks like you cleaned part of the house today."  No, I actually cleaned all of the house.  Even dusted the edges of the picture frames. Now, I think that was funny!  Thank you Jesus for this great day at home.  I also dug the dahlia bulbs and carried half of a dead pig from Keelies area in the bunk house to the dumpster.  What to Do!!!!    You name it, I did it.   Plus my first pinsluer class of Spanish.

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