Sunday, November 5, 2017

Birthday party for Mike

Time change ... That is why I am awake at 4:30.   Uffta!!!  After devotions  I started getting ready to make Vietnamese Spring Rolls ... Easy to make by Minh, so easy.  Note to self ... easy does not equal fast.  Look up recipe and choose one.  Boil the pork, saute the shrimp in garlic,
clean high tunnel onions then cut up onions for pork boil, Shred carrots, cut small match sticks of Jicama, make Hoisin sauce from recipe (that I had to look up on the computer)  because I do not have hoisin sauce, make dipping sauce using home made hoisin sauce, Cut shrimp in half lengthwise, slice pork into thin strips, Clean Asian mint, chives, Cilantro and garlic greens.  Clean up kitchen.  I think I have enough stuff to make 20 spring rolls, but the package I bought only has 7 rice papers.  AND it is best if you do not make them ahead.  So hopefully Denny and I will watch a you tube on how to make them and have them after church, before we head to Mike's 50th birthday shoot out at 1:30. Uffta!!!  I am thinking I just should have planned on a frozen pizza for lunch.  :)!!!

So after church we did make Spring Rolls for lunch.   I went ahead and used all the ingredients to make about 12 more.  (Yes, the package did have more that 7 rice  papers.)  :)  I went to Bergmans for the b day party.  Great shooting off the pumpkin, great food, great visiting with great people.  Denny came later and then went to Search committee meeting.  I took spring rolls to Jensens and heard about their weekend.   They liked the sample, so maybe all the work/time was worth it. 

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