Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Do more of what makes you happy ....

I slept in and headed upstairs at 7:30.  Jack had gotten up a little because of his 4 month shots last night.  I did not hear him, but Mandy said Jason took care of him.  Mandy fed Jack at 4:30 and then again at 8 before she left.  We had a great morning.   We visited for about 1 1/2 hours, then he took at 2 hour nap.  Jack liked to sit on my lap and look at books after waking up from his nap.  Jason came home for lunch.  There is a trail meeting at 5 and Jason laid out the clothes for Jack to wear.  Nice afternoon, Jack napped and I watched Sienfield and worked on my bank register.  Ii left Cherokee and drove right to Awana.  Great day.


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