I fixed scrambled eggs, coffee, bacon. Jean fixed toast, grands liked the thawed strawberries with whipped cream. Denny went to work, Schrums left for Schleswig, Phillip went to put snow fence up, I finished the book Wonder. At 11 I went to get sandwiches for Petersons and stopped to see Darlys's place. Lazy afternoon, Jensens picked us up for Bridge fundraiser at 5. Nice evening, good food. Buehlers finished harvesting about 4. Denny figured he worked about 24 days in a row. They took Sundays off, but worked every Saturday except the one when it was raining. (That day we went and bought a new washer and dryer.) The 4 Wednesdays he only worked until 4, so he could be at Awana. He figured he averaged over 11 hours a day. They did not stop and eat together, but mainly ate their noon lunch and supper sandwich in the cab of the tractors. Once they came to Odebolt for the Methodist church Hunters Lunch where I joined them. One noon Luke G. from Pioneer and the CPS guy brought out burgers and had Brian and Denny eat their sandwiches and visit in the back of their pickup. After each day was done they brought all the equipment back to the home place. It was a full month of working. Denny says he is gonna treat himself to a chiropractor appointment and a massage now that harvest in done.. Hard working man!!! He is ready for a break. But he earned Fun Money and spent some of his time in the tractor cab figuring what he wanted to buy for his winter Texas time. Electric high pressure sprayer, grill, deck table and chairs, mattress, perhaps flat screen tv, compfy deck chairs, Fun to dream. He also spent time doing learning Spanish by doing Pimsleur every day. I am trying to learn some Spanish, but I am kinda struggling. Cute pics that Missy took of Grands and MaryAnn.

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