Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Full day

I headed to IG about 7:30 to volunteer at OGT until 11.  Then to rec center to change my clothes before going to sub for PE at the IG elementary school.  The afternoon went ok.   I was not as happy with the first class I taught, but I figured out how to do it better the next 3.  Lord, help me.  Next at 4 to Pete G. to talk about our will.  At home we looked at all the cleaning that Denny did after bnb guy left this am.  At 6 I headed to Jensens.  Anabel did 3 aerials on the floor mat tonight.  So good.  Denny headed to Storm Lake to give Laura a ride home after her movie class.  I watched This is Us before going to bed.
Big Thank you to the service men in our country!!!!!

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