Saturday, November 25, 2017

home all day

Lovely day!!! no wind!!! warm 55 degrees.  We got stuff done.  Denny worked all day oon making shelves for the cold closet.  It turned out great!! About 3:30 we had some pesto and limeade under the big maple tree.   It was so nice.  The animals were enjoying the day also.  When I realized that too many cooks spoiled the closet work I went outside and  rototilled the lisianthus garden diagonally and lengthwise.  And cleaned the CSA shed.  An emptied flower pots that had dead flowers in them.  And got dahlia and glad bulbs ready for the root cellar.  I started a fire in the firepit and when Sanjai and Reena came back from Denison and we sat around and visited in the dark with the fire glowing. It was a wonderful evening.  When we came in we spent considerable time admiring the work that Denny did ... and filling the shelves with all the things in the living room that we had taken out of the closet.  Thank you, Jesus.   

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